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Everything posted by izzzyyy

  1. No harmonizers have lying kinks
  2. Could you send your file please? Mine isn't encoded with anything
  3. Got a source for that?
  4. https://mega.nz/folder/m6QjgCIB#qDWgszmJdRuwXwRV5Ai5BA organized link
  5. There are many reasons somebody would vault a track, even if they stand to gain nothing from it. First could be the source they got it from, a second could be that they spent money on it, so they don't want it to leak. May be because they want their vault to be larger, or plan to sell it later as you mentioned. Could also be none of those and instead be something more logical lol.
  6. Could you send the original cover you had please?
  7. True, but your point still stands!
  8. she directly said it was never finished
  9. Literally. Bonnie said on the tiktok about Hold It Against Me was that she was working on Femme Fatale and Teenage Dream at the same time, but she specified she was working on a beat for Britney, and had toplined a melody. However, she couldn't get anything down until Katy walked in, and she told her she had a nice body. The beat was always for Britney.
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