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Everything posted by Bambi101

  1. It sounds to me like one of those videos of Trump singing popular songs. Like someone collected a bunch of samples of Ariana singing/talking and then used some software to produce this. There's all sorts of weird stuff happening to her vocals, it doesn't sound like it was recorded in one take. I'd say it's fanmade, but whoever made it is very talented and I wish they did the same thing to Britney's voice so we can finally hear her sing lead vocals on Work Bitch.
  2. I like it as well, I just find the production of the leaked version lacking. And it triggers my OCD
  3. I thought someone finally had a change of heart and decided to bless us peasants. Cute! Love the Sayonara -- Sexin U -- Unlock Your Love trio. I'm seriously considering removing Jenny's Got a Boyfriend and replacing it with Sayonara because it's currently slaying my existence and JGAB doesn't sound as polished and well-produced as the rest of the album imo.
  4. https://dbree.org/v/b1722b
  5. So the streets have been talking and apparently Wendy will be taking Sherri to court
  6. Haha don't swet it 😅 I mean, Miranda's version is the final, polished, and remastered version; you're bound to prefer the version of the song you're most used to. I can see why people don't like the random Japanese movie sample though imo it adds to the song and gives it a different layer 😆
  7. To say I was S H O O K when I found out the blashphemies thrown around online (i.e. people prefering Miranda's lackluster version) would be an understatement. I totally agree, Miranda's giving nicklelodeon, green slime, and lowkey ARK Music Factory. Bonnie is giving you sexy flirtatious pop star and grown woman lost in Harajuku.
  8. So, yeah, pretty much obsessed with Bonnie's Sayonara 😭 F this, I'm including it on my version of the Epic album. Didn't want to add any songs that were later sold to other artists with the exception of WUD, but Bonnie's version is SO good and fits too well with the Epic stuff to just leave it out. True that Apparently it's a song that everybody has though. Yet it's not on my hard drive anywhere 💀 Meanwhile, Bonnie is celebrating her nomination for Best Actress (for her highly experimental extracurricular project while she studied film-making at the University Of The Third Age) on her Instagram stories. Congratz Bonnie for that very important career milestone while 90 percent of your music is leaking. I'm just accepting the fact she's given up on the music biz and now she'll spend the remainder of her twilight years painting, gardening, and sculpting.
  9. Touché. Shouldn't have compared Kesha and Bonnie since both have walked quite different unique paths. The only reason why so many of Kesha's songs were sold and pitched to other artists was most likely because Dr. Puke wanted to put most of his stuff on her albums. It wasn't as obvious with Animal, but starting with Cannibal he'd stifle her creativity and freedom to the point where only songs approved by him and/or ones he was involved in made the record (e,g, the entire Warrior album) and songs from other sessions overseen by other producers like Love into the Light were quite rare. Not gonna lie, I still love the Dr. Puke albums.... I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy them. But I'm so glad Kesha doesn't and won't work with him again. I hope her case gets reevaluated and the slave contract she's still wrapped up in anulled.
  10. Btw, is it My So-Called Life (like the TV show of the same name) or just "So Called Life"? Anyway, she IS a bop and makes a great album closer with Stars in Your Heart as a bonus track follow-up. Omg this x100. Also, This Love. Kesha gave so many of her most iconic songs away But at least the songs got heard. As much as I don't like Cheryl's version of Waking Up Diagonal because her voice sounds flat to me (and the re-written parts are lame), our sis Bonnie would just hoard the song along with the rest of the Epic masterpieces had it not been pitched to the Fight for This Love singer. And some of Kesha's greatest unreleased songs just so happen to have been recorded by Girls' Generation (Run Devil Run, Chain Reaction) and Ice Princess Jessica's baby sister Krystal Jung (Butterscotch). 😭
  11. Hahaha Patti has so many iconic moments. Anyone seen the SNL recreation? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX So, anyway, Sherri has spoken to Deadline and what the Kim Cattrall is going on? “No, [I have not spoken to Wendy personally]. It’s not like everybody thinks that in Hollywood, we all have each other’s phone numbers. Wendy knows me because I’ve sat in as a guest and I guest hosted for her two years ago. So it’s not like she doesn’t know me but we’re not friends. I am glad that she trusted me when they asked if I could come in and trusted that I could do it.”
  12. It's like the perfect pop song... the blueprint. It's impeccable. Definitely one of the best pop songs I've heard in my life.
  13. Ha Kim Petras era could mean anything But yeah, I'd love her to not overthink it and just release selected few songs from the record already even if just to test the waters. If she sees the support is there, she can go ahead and put out the record and if a huge song like Slay flops... well, sucks for us
  14. I know right!! 😭🤣 It's the only rational thing left for us to do right now... enjoy and appreciate the songs that we been got, though knowing of Forever 21's existence it's like there's a gap, and well, there is lol. Not much we can do about it tho. Btw I'm still having a crisis in the form of not knowing whether to put Sexin U on the album or not. It sounds and feels unfinished af, but the highs of that bop are on a celestial level
  15. I've given up on it honestly... Either she'll release it or it's the equivalent of Britney's Rebellion
  16. Literally this verbatim. And I was so devastated once the indie pop Lorde era started because the songs were all so damn boring. Also, I have a strong dislike for helium-esque cursive singing a la Halsey.
  17. Yaaaassss, it's funny cuz she's literally a British Bonnie. I always mixed them up back in the day and thought for the longest time that Bonnie co-wrote Kesha's Blah Blah Blah when it was in fact Neon 💀 I actually love most of the singles she released from Beg, Borrow, and Steal with the notable exception of Gold which wasn't it. Poisoned with Love, Get Over U, Bad Dog, and Fuck U Betta are all iconic though and it's mind-boggling to me she didn't happen when she was serving so many bops back to back. Ass Back Home was cute as well, even though I don't care for Travis and wish there was a solo version with new verses and Neon singing only. The Happy Neon EP was good as well.
  18. Nothing against Sherri; she was certainly the best of all the sub hosts and knew how to bring a sense of 'familiarity' back in wake of Wendy's absence, but imo, she's far too safe and inoffensive to stand the test of time, let alone replace Wendy. I know her show will have a different atmosphere and character to it, but what will distinguish her from, say, Drew Berrymore or Ellen (besides race obviously)? I don't even need to watch a single episode to tell it will be one of those family friendly wholesome daytime talk shows and that's why Queen Latifah got canceled after her second season, while Wendy had the audience wrapped around the purple chair. Like it or not, Wendy has the C.U.N.T. necessary to survive on TV for as long as she has, and if her health wasn't acting up she'd still be there for many seasons to come. I don't care what anyone says, Wendy is an icon to me and I don't know how I'll go on living without the show,
  19. Ruthless, but the truth had to be spoken Bonnie is literally an enigma to me because she literally has all the material she'll ever need to do some cute numbers on the charts/streaming at her fingertips, but no, girl is out there doing experimental short films, high budget TikToks, and dropping fillers like Thorns once every three years. That's the perfect recipe for a career suicide and utterly mind-boggling to me (as an outsider). If she's happy going on like this then it's all good and I'm happy for her, but I don't want to hear the same old story about her coming to Hollywood thinking she'd be the next Madonna and then having a breakdown when those dreams didn't come to pass. I know without a shadow of doubt that if she were to drop Forever 21 tomorrow the gays would support it. It might not go number 1 or take the entire world by storm, but it's gonna do better numbers than Thorns Pt. II or a Billie Eilish cover or Love Spell (Rerecorded). True although if there's one thing we've learned from Taylor Swift, it's that you can rerelease anything under your name as long as you put (___'s Version) in the song title. If she wanted to stay true to the original vision, she could just rerecord Waking Up Diagonal/I Don't Care and slap (Bonnie's Version) after it. Same for Hit Me Up. I think the tracklist you suggested is PERFECTION and would make a great EP. Or she could do a double disc album with Disc 1 having brand new songs on it and Disc 2 those five Epic songs fans have been demanding for nearly a decade now.
  20. I found another version without the weird ending if you're interested: https://dbree.org/v/b1f1f4
  21. Is this it?
  22. That part! Imo, the only thing I can think of in terms of why she's hesitant to release it is that she wants to do festivals and perform in some small venues. Anyway, let's say 2022 really is THE year Bonnie finally gives us this important piece of 2010s pop history.... what would be y'all ideal single choices? We obviously don't know any of the new songs she might include, but if she includes most of the tracks we're all familiar with--which ones are you hoping would get the single treatment? For me, it's Forever 21, S.L.A.Y., and Rewind Your Heart. And will she print a couple of physical copies like she did with Bombastic? (I know vinyl release is too much to ask, but I'd love to own a physical copy of the album).
  23. That's a totally valid and sound point! I guess it's more difficult getting on TV and doing talk shows and stuff as an independent artist because there's only so many spots and most are taken by artists who have the entertainment machine backing (big labels and music corporations etc.) so we'll probably never see her promoting on Fallon or Ellen, but she definitely has her contacts and friends that'd help her get the foot in the door. The TikToks are cute, but shouldn't be the focus.. like what was the point in staging that entire photoshoot/music video shoot for that one silly TikTok of her as a cult leader? I'm sorry but what a waste of time.
  24. Yeah, it's like, the delusional fan of her Epic stuff in me wants to believe we will get those glorious pop anthems professionally remastered and polished, but as someone who's followed this woman's career since 2010 I just can't make myself trust her promises anymore. Sure, the pand3mic has put a lot of projects on hold, but if she really had those songs (and had full ownership of them) since leaving Epic, what was stopping her from dropping the album in 2016, 2017, or 2018? As I said a couple of pages back, the best time for her to drop the album was when she finished making videos for Bombastic. Instead, she put out a bunch of random singles none of which really did anything for her because they're all quite bland and lack her signature sound. As an artist myself, I get that she wants to reach as many people as possible--especially if she's putting her 'best' material on the line; you can only debut new music once and the fact she's independent might be exacerbating that because if the album's rollout and subsequent performance fail to meet her sky-high expectations she can no longer blame the label for failing her. And given how critical she is of everything she does, it's no wonder we're in 2022 with no album in sight. I think she needs to have a real look in the mirror and accept the reality of her situation, which is that the general public doesn't really know her and aren't interested in knowing her, but there's a small circle of devoted gheyz who genuinely appreciate and love her work. She should stop dreaming of becoming a viral sensation and instead nurture the niche market that is already there for her. Become the GayPop icon you were always meant to be, Bonnie. Palm tress and pink skies.
  25. Ok these are the most recent mentions of the highly anticipated and always promised second album taken from podcasts with Bonnie: DRAMA with Connor & Dylan MacDowell -- November 2021 Host: The one last thing I wanna say about American Girl, too, is that's a non-album single, right? Like, you just released that...? Bonnie: Yeah, I was signed to Epic and I had a whole album written and that was the first single, and then I got a tour and I was getting ready to release the second single, and, um, the label--after telling me that it (S.L.A.Y.) was gonna be a hit or whatever--I took it out on tour, I played it on a few radio stations and stuff, and it was reacting well, and then, um.. the label head was just like 'yeah no, I don't believe in it anymore.' Meanwhile I'm on a promotional tour for it; that I payed for, by the way, out of pocket because they were supposed to pay me back, and then.. by the end of the tour I was like 'I don't wanna be on this label, this is not working for me,' and so luckily my manager was able to negotiate for me to leave and be able to take my masters. So I still have all the masters from that album, and the fans are hungry for it because I've toured with it and I've played a lot of festivals and stuff with those songs so there's a lot of like, you know, live recordings floating around online and everyone's like 'when are these songs coming out!? We want S.L.A.Y., we want Forever 21!!' and like, I do wanna put them out--I just wanna put them out at the right time where it's not just like falling on deaf ears, you know. Little Known Facts with Ilana Levine, Episode 271 -- November 15, 2021 Host: Are there any songs coming out? that you've written that we don't know yet? that you can talk about? Bonnie: I have... I've been sitting on a whole lot of music for years, honestly, and I was,, right before the quarantine I was a wrap- about to put out an album that I'm very proud of, that I feel like is some of my best work, and then quarantine hit and I was like 'eh, now's not the time,' um, so I'm gearing up to put that out next year and try to figure out how to go about that because, you know, being an independent artist is.. is a full-time job, and I think that nowadays with things like TikTok and social media and stuff there's a lot that artists can do to really take back the power without needing a label, um, but I don't know I'm just- I have a bunch of music that I'm really excited to put out and.. you'll hear it next year, I promise. Thoughts?
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