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Everything posted by Bambi101

  1. Does anybody have I Can Still Dance in higher quality? Why was it leaked in such poor quality? This Carly Rae Jepsen-esque masterpiece deserves better
  2. Awesome!!! Thank you for the contribution, I'm sure people will find it useful ❤️ Haha, please don't take the notes as gospel; I'm not very knowledgable about the trading scene so the fine nuances of 'circulate' in that context are lost on me. I just assumed the song was out there making the rounds That's correct, although it was on the iconic and proverbial whiteboard that listed songs Bonnie considered for the album hence why I called it an Epic track. Should've mentioned Leighton, it's just that I consider songs like Waking Up Diagonal/I Don't Care or Hit Me Up as being part of the Epic sessions even if she ultimately gave them away. Lol, exactly, it's always either this summer or this year 💀 At least before she'd drop some non-event single like Thorns or Mad Mad World and then tease a music video that 9 out of 10 times would never see the light of day because of a vengeful director/ex-boyfriend. Stanning Bonnie is so hard and frustrating, but she really is the most iconic pop Kween that never happened.
  3. It was posted a while ago and I don't even recall which page or by who... I do have all the song titles though. The additional comments are my notes lol and the songs in bold have leaked since then A Little Too Late… Always Summer Back to Zero Battle Royale Beautiful Birthday Suit Blow Ur Mind Bombastic -- a demo of Bombastic from the Bombastic EP ??? (my guess) BrandNew Broken Record Calling All Cars -- unleaked, but the song is circulating Catch Me If You Can Chasing Ghosts Cliche Crazy Boy DNA Dance or Die Darkside Daylight Deja Vu Demolition Man! Don’t Talk Back Dose Femme Fatale -- a snippet leaked recently Fireflies (To Find You) -- recorded and used as a bonus track on the Japanese edition of Lea Michele's first album 'Louder,' there is a recording of Bonnie performing the song on-line and an LQ studio one as well Friends Get Over It Go Getter Going on Strike Good Day for Love Guilty Pleasure Hallelujah Head On Heart Attack Heartbeat Hit It -- unleaked, a feature Hit and Run Hit Me Up -- apparently ALL traders and true Bonnie stans have it, yet it remains unleaked I Am a Woman I Dare You I Get What I Want -- snippet available on dbree, unleaked -- sounds a bit like Bombastic I Like It Hot I Want You If That’s Love In the Wild (ft. Major Lazer) -- leaked Infatuation It Gets Better Itty Bitty -- unleaked, possibly a feature JFK Kiss Kiss -- a snippet of the song leaked and she is a BOP Kiss of Death -- unleaked Laserbeam Last Call Lover -- unleaked, allegedly a BOP Leaving LA License to Love Lie Detector Looking Glass Love You to Pieces -- leaked Lovebird -- sold to and recorded by Leona Lewis for her album Glassheart (2012), Bonnie's demo remains unleaked Make It Through Another Day Mess Around Message in a Bottle -- snippet available on dbree, unleaked Met Your Match Modern Girl Monday My Heart (Playing Tricks on Me) Never Say Forever New York Mistake No Regrets No Yesterdays Now or Never On Your Side On and On Once Is Not Enough One More Night Party Monster Psycho RIP RSVP Right Now -- a snippet leaked, it's not the highly sought after Dr. Luke song that was recorded for the Epic album Rock Angels Romantic Rage Rubberband Saturday Again Say the Magic Words Sayonara -- a demo for Miranda Cosgrove who recorded the song for Sparks Fly (2010), leaked Shallow Show Me -- pitched and sold to K-pop singer KEY for his album 'I Wanna Be' (2019) Slippery -- rumored to be sung by Colette Carr not Bonnie Take a Picture Teenage Heart The Breaking Point The Rules of Attraction There Will Be Tears -- a demo for Miranda Cosgrove who recorded the song for Sparks Fly (2010), unleaked Tune Into Me Unlove Me -- sold to and recorded by Leona Lewis for her album Glassheart (2012), Bonnie's demo remains unleaked Up to Me Wanna Live War of the Worlds What’s It Gonna Take Who Says Wicked -- a snippet of the song got leaked recently Wild Heart -- leaked Worst in Me -- Epic album track X That Won’t Let Go -- unleaked, allegedly a ballad You’re Mine
  4. True 😭 Speaking of the list, there was a song titled 'Birthday Suit,' on it.... I know that Kesha has a song with that exact same title, but Bonnie didn't write on that one. Do y'all think this Birthday Suit could a demo of Katy Perry's Birthday? 🤔 But Bonnie's never demoed any songs for Katy as far as I know, so it doesn't seem very likely
  5. This thread will soon reach 200 pages. Still no confirmed release date for the album. Still no Forever 21. Still no Hit Me Up. Do y'all think we'll still be here next 100 pages from now in 2023 talking about how Bonnie confirmed the album is coming and how we'll hear all the songs on streaming platforms very very soon / next summer?
  6. Come on don't crush our party like that
  7. Wonder if she re-wrote the verses and if not which ones she decided to keep. Livin' in the shadow is cold / want to burn bright like the sunrise OR Livin' in the shadow is cold / want the hot light of the spotlight
  8. Awwww thank you for the sacrifice @bearsbummer Well let's hope she's as determined to drop the record as she is about issuing takedowns
  9. Please tell her to stop giving her bops away. We know she's a charitable Queen and wants her co-writers to taste the glitz and glamor as well, but if my girl gives one more bop away... Love that she's aware of the importance of S.L.A.Y. and wants to do it justice as it's admired and cherished dearly by the LGBTQ+ community. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm sensing something (no pun intended) EPIC about the visuélles. Omg I KNEW there was something more to it. Don't Get Mad, Get Famous is a genius title imo, especially when one knows Bonnie's backstory. It's so apt and fitting. I think the song has a ton of potential and I was bummed the leaked version didn't have a proper second verse. And yeah, looks like she was just as frustrated as I am with Love Spell in terms of it not fitting in with the rest of the songs (which are almost exclusively uptempo). That's why I scrapped it too. Besides, Stars in Your Heart is superior in every way and not nearly as different (sonically) from the rest of the album as Love Spell. Wouldn't mind a cute little promo single of a remastered version of it tho, not gonna lie! SHOOK Rewind Your Heart could've received single treatment (as it should in this and all other parallel universes). (Btw, I've been liking your posts so much throughout this thread I ran into a limit and now I'm in a timeout lmao. ) This thread is indeed public, that's how I first discovered back when I used to browse as a guest. I take her word with a grain of salt as well..... here's the deal, I think she loves her fans and always wants to give us a glimmer of hope even when she's dealing with something holding her back. I also think she's fully convinced she WILL get the music out. What I believe is stopping her is her own perfectionist nature and a lowkey/highkey phobia of commercial failure because she's experienced it so many times and she doesn't want to live thru putting out great music only for it to go unnoticed ever again. The difference is that now there is a devoted audience and the music is actually incredibly good which wasn't the case with her debut album. Trouble flopped because she was a new artist, there was no direction or promo, and she was a young girl that was still trying to figure out her artistry and identity.
  10. Omg omg the teaaaa is hooootttt Good about Right Now. Do not support Dr. Puke, McQueen. I'm ok with that. To be completely honest, Forever 21 didn't sound all that polished during certain parts as far as production goes and it does sound very 2010s so as long as the original spirit of the song is maintained it can definitely benefit from some small touch ups. IWFCY is already perfect as it is tho, so I'm a bit concerned there. Well, I'm happy to hear we've helped her boost her confidence.... though she needs to realize the leaks are the direct result of the thirst, famine, and all the unfulfilled promises. Had she dropped the record few years back, none of this would've happened. It's not like she doesn't have any new songs on the album either, so I'm sure there's songs we haven't heard before. Will it really though? It HAS BEEN 7 years since 2015. Good to know that, at least in her mind, she does want the world to hear these songs.
  11. Omg you're so lucky to be able to reach out to her like this. I'm relieved to see she's ok with us listening to the songs and it's great you can share the positive feedback she's been getting. ❤️ For real Bonnie, if you're reading this, even if the album doesn't do whatever you're hoping it'll do for you commercially/career-wise, you've already accomplished something big with these songs regardless. This is some of the best pop music I've heard in the last 10 years and I really really hope you can establish yourself in your own unique lane. Just please no more songs like Thorns. That one should've stayed in the vault. Hahaha Tyra's Tiffany moment is my go to monologue for anything dramatic 🤣
  12. Exactly lmao. And seeing how Bonnie never kept any of her past promises and it's never the right time or the right audience when there's literally a mob of thirsty gays ready to give her their money---just leak away folks. I do hope she finds or knows about this thread. This is your fan base Bonnie. We've stanned you incessantly since forever and what did you gave us? Thorns? 💀 And now an artsy fartsy film your fans can't even watch anywhere and Tik Toks where you're trying to be all hip and cool for Gen Z and why exactly? I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you, HOW DARE YOU? LUURRRRN SOMETHING FROM THIS! Because when my mother yelled at me like this it's because she LOVED ME. You rolling your eyes, you act like this cuz you've heard it all before. YOu've heard it all before, you don't know where the hell I come from, you have no idea what I've been thru. But I'm not a victim I grow from it and I learrrrn. Take responsibility for yourself.
  13. People wouldn't leak your music if they could buy it legally y'know
  14. We'll tell you if you can disclose the release date of the album, Bonnie
  15. You left out the oriental East Asian masterpiece that is Sayonara tho. WHYYY
  16. Who knew the stars would align again to make this possible 😭 I hope more demos Bonnie recorded leak like When I'm Alone and Turn Me Up. One can dream 😭
  17. Giiiirrrrlll 💀 You did not just edit my post like that------- But thank you
  18. And that just so happens to be the one I'm sensing serious BOP vibes from
  19. Thanks guys!! ❤️ Do we know the titles of the rest of the unleaked songs whose snippets leaked recently? (Song 1 turned out to be Wild Heart.) Song 2: "...lin' to be home in bed by 9" Song 3: "All lights so bright, we'll try tonight baby / kiss kiss bang bang when you're touching me" Song 4: "I'll play a chicken in my woah-oh oh / come on tell me baby can't you feel it? Imma catch you in the udon weekend" Are any of them Calling All Cars?
  20. Aww ok thank you for the scoop Btw, I'm sorry for being a flop fan, but are Wild Card and Wild Heart the same song or are they different songs that just happen to have Wild in the title?
  21. Is Bonnie's demo of Lipstick Revolution circulating?
  22. I don't think it's out there, unfortunately. 😭 It's rotting away on Bonnie's hard drive so if we're lucky someone will steal it during one of her house parties and then share it with the rest of the world since she clearly doesn't care about her music at this point.
  23. We're not getting Forever 21, I made peace with that.... But PLEASE somebody leak Hit Me Up because y'all know Bonnie's version is superior and should be heard
  24. How do I feel about it? It slayed my existence, that's what happened. I put it on my version of the Epic record and named it Sayonara (Bonnie's Version) Honestly, I wouldn't even mind them making these fake demos, it's the fact they are uploading them with misleading titles and giving everyone heart attacks at the thought more Bonnie is leaking that annoys me Whoa!! Didn't expect such a dissertation on the topic of Ms. Grande You raised some great points, but first, is the hunk in your avie Mac Miller? And also, love me some Carly Rae Jepsen, your taste is very refined if I may say. Now, I've never really paid much attention to the drama around the donut licking, but yeah, the overtanning that curiously enough coincided with her rise to musical stardom is super sus. And what is she now? Korean? She ditched the tan and now she has monolids and rocks the Kpop girl aesthetic Also, from what I've heard, Jennette McCurdy apparently isn't friends with Ariana and even went as far as to spoof her in her What's Next for Sarah? web series: Awesome!!! You got some detective skills on your haha. Wait, so it's all AI (i.e. done by a computer)?
  25. Agreed, neither could I (edit the vocals that way). I feel like knowing music theory and having an ear for this is pretty much a requirement. Whoever made those edits had to painstakingly modify every note and make sure the pitch is correct to make it all seem like Taylor and Ariana are singing the songs. I would not be able to pull this off in a billion years lol. The edit files were .m4a but those are still legit audio files and as far as I know you can't just inject a virus into legit file extensions, hence why so many sketchy websites offering free downloads of songs usually link to files that look like this: Bonnie_McKee_-_Thorns.mp3.exe It's the oldest trick known to man. NEVER download and run an executable file that's disguised as something else.
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