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Everything posted by haileeh

  1. Everything leaking except Forever 21
  2. OMG! Why did Britney scrapped this?
  3. Hit Me Up slaps HARD literally trashed that Jem and the girlies version lmao also didn’t expect to love Kiss Kiss this much I would say it’ll grow as a favorite of Bonnie for me- Now all we need is Forever 21.
  5. sayonara A BOP
  6. I mean you could've just shared the snippets and called a day that's not an issue. 🤨
  7. I'm sorry, but yall are boring desperate for attention; this are not your songs don't create drama on something you don't own and also what's the point to TEASE something and not own to your word; that's attention seeking. If a leak was indeed going to happen we would have it 8 pages ago. Move on, next. 🤷‍♀️
  8. 7 pages and I thought HMU had leaked... wishful thinking.
  9. SoundCloud and Youtube (where I used to listen to)
  10. Some links (SLAY and F* Call You) got a DMCA last night (and they were up from months now) so maybe... It could be true? Idk
  11. Can someone send me a link to SLAY?
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