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Everything posted by Kipper

  1. And just like that, friend showed me this: https://pillowcase.su/f/e79a5182a71966dff591c2880186ea1c from a recent leakthis thread, I assume the other 2 are pitches? I've heard they are working on album 5 so could be for that if so... otherwise maybe older Logan solo tracks? Have a hard time seeing them asking material for Another Life, unless these were just ideas brought to pandemic sessions? What a day...
  2. 100% agree!! It's just a demo obviously but it gives me way more "EDM track with guest vocals" vibes than anything we've heard before! In fact Carlos has a song kinda like it called "See Your Face" I think. Take me back indeed, to simpler times and when this song was accurate! https://apnews.com/article/world-population-8-billion-census-159f6eeac66bbc9800ad3ec4d9653b52#:~:text=The bureau estimates the global,pointed out in a statement. That's pretty funny to think about!
  3. Song is real and not AI - fairly certain the reference vocals are Mitch Allan. This track is the info post, produced by The Suspex (Allan + Jason Evigan) and I believe Damon Sharpe also.
  4. livin in the fast lane's getting kinda lonely. https://x.com/shitpost_2077/status/1820633388807770482😷

  5. Always wanted to try this... by "AICC" on YouTube: Can't help but groove to this song and think the part distribution is pretty close to how the real one probably would be. Logan and Carlos didn't get to shine much in the earlier songs and this feels like one they'd dominate.
  6. Keep it that way queen "they send text messages and phone calls before sending airstrikes!" *cuts to their house exploding* like you can't even write that
  7. Was trying not to bring this here, but formally stating for those who follow about the new music, I will no longer be updating this thread for anything created post-Another Life. I'm sorry y'all, I tried to get past what this dude is doing but it just gets worse, and worse, and worse, to the point where I'm genuinely not even a fan anymore and have no desire. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5l80nTvp1d/?igsh=aHVqcGZobmd4NjYw Carlos and his wife have equally insulting political takes, but at least their sphere of influence was limited to the QAnon/fundie cult crowd who stay in their own little bubble away from civilization, and we never really heard about it. This is just unavoidable no matter how active a fan you are. For me the separation of "art vs artist" ceases to be possible when 95% of said "art" is paid propaganda for an authoritarian military, whose crimes are so heinous and well-documented that suggesting otherwise is nothing short of an affront to the mind. As a lifelong fan of James and this band it's beyond embarrassing to witness and I'm officially hopping off this trainwreck. ✌️ The new BTR music has rarely exceeded mid territory anyway so... not the greatest loss if I'm being honest. We'll always have the classic Dawgs, whom I will still report on whenever possible Sorry for the drama I just wanted to let people know for the future.
  8. Hell yes!! In other news if you're reading this Bonnie I meet all your criteria
  9. Added to Mega, very forlorn reference track for "Show Me" sung by Ginny Blackmore: https://mega.nz/file/QZ9G0SBJ#5qQPGQa-fMu5FWbjMKr1nSUmLcbuUQhV9YC4F9ALB1g All thanks for this one goes to a certain awesome somebody who has helped our thread before. They like to remain nameless, however you may recognize them from the iconic television episode "Big Time School of Rocque":
  10. That's the one! I think they (BTR and Justin) met in late 2011 or so, when they opened for him in Mexico. Then I guess they had a mutual friend group that led to that.
  11. Ooh, nice job!!! I was iffy about All Kinds of Wrong for the first few seconds but then the chorus hit and I never knew I needed that in my life. 😍
  12. Yeah, for all we know it might be out of her hands. But McQueen will deliver 👑
  13. Yeah, not to rag on the guy, but no one hits the harmonies like BTR. It's cool to hear what the mastered production could have been like, at least! I honestly don't know a whole lot about the song itself, or why it specifically was chosen. Surprisingly I know next to nothing about Kesha's version, come to think of it. I do know that the song was shopped around a bit - don't have it on-hand sadly but there's an interview somewhere where Carlos mentioned it was pitched to Justin Bieber who passed on it (this was around the time they made the CRJ video). That song isn't bad but I think all of us here mourn the other option. I'd be very interested to know how far along hers got before they pulled the plug. Also, please don't be sorry at all, I apologize if I came off like I was annoyed - have a bit of a problem with that sometimes. I wasn't at all. I was very glad you brought it up, because it finally pushed me to hunt the CD down! It was actually the final single I was missing (well, not counting variants of each, but I am not hunting down all 50 prints of Boyfriend... ) I'm glad we solved that mystery, was definitely worth it. The master is so much better than the regular one!!
  14. Been a while since I found something new: Not terribly exciting but fascinatingly obscure, the song "Intermission" (prod. by Aaron Pearce) was apparently given to a guy named Kyl Means, who won Kuk Harrell's talent program on the 2013 Marie Osmond Show. It's just been chilling on iTunes since back then lol. https://krakenfiles.com/view/ET0UTA16UI/file.html Fun fact, I found out about this from Aaron Pearce's website way back in the beginning days of this thread, but every time I searched I could never find anything at all for "Kyle Means." Guess it never dawned on me to try a different spelling 😅
  15. Did she have to do anything to come out on top of Demi? Does anyone? If this is truly a career-defining moment for her I'm excited, and of the course for the songs that come with! The visual resemblance is honestly kind of uncanny... have a feeling she'll nail it
  16. Some eBay reseller, hats off to you honestly because yeah I paid a lot more than it's worth. Nice score! Do you mean the title track single? I kind of hope not because that's gonna be even harder to track down Promo-only in just the UK I believe, and not even for sale. Haven't heard of a difference before - is there one?
  17. 2 weeks and $70 later... What do we think? https://krakenfiles.com/view/TlPSBUet9O/file.html Side-by-side there is definitely a difference... (top is single, bottom is album track) I don't know much about audio but I think there's more range between the instruments. By ear I don't really notice anything though the little guitar solo after Logan's verse seems a little less drowned out (not sure if Placebo lol)... Thanks again for bringing this up You're right about the iTunes single, most of the early ones that got re-included on BTR don't seem to be available anymore, so it's possible that version was the same as the CD. I know the 'Any Kind of Guy' opening is different between single and the UK album. Worth looking into for sure!!
  18. Hi, welcome! AFAIK the promo is identical to the public master, audio-wise. It was meant for in-house use or whatever so I'm guessing whoever printed it didn't put much thought to the label, and/or used the abbreviation format interchangeably - though it's certainly possible the title was the latest revision! For the TIFAY master, I have heard of this being true of the physical single CD (sold at Walmart in US when the song first came out), but it is sadly the only one I don't own Passed on it a while ago and haven't found it for a decent price since. The person who left that review is extremely reputable and I'm willing to bet it is slightly different (see Halfway There, Any Kind of Guy, other early songs) though I'm not sure how so. Since you brought it up, though, lemme see what I can do...
  19. Wow, thank you for the heads up, there's more!!! Kind of fallen off following BTR more recently due to a certain someone and his genocidal advocacy Yikes. But y'all know I can't resist this... it's from a YT video he uploaded yesterday: Right at 3:24 we hear stem clips and a Carlos vocal from the first verse of "So What"! Not too surprising he cut on it as you can hear him talking in the background at the end of the Logan demo we have. 3:53 is the mentioned "Will You Be There?", apparently the first song he fully "arranged" by himself. Timeline-wise I'm not sure 100% sure where that would fall but I'd suspect end-2010, any earlier would surprise me. 4:29 is finally the chorus to "ANYTHING GOES"! Matches the older snips perfectly and the rapping is Tekneek's lmao. For those who don't know, this was a scrapped pre-Elevate track we heard in one of their YT videos way back when... Very awesome stuff By the way, I meant to make a post but if anyone didn't see/hear, "Shot in the Dark" is finally out via their deluxe album and after 13 years AT LAST we know the writers... DJ Frank E, Bei Maejor and Todd Ballard. I only had that ASCAP registration as my second guess behind another one Lol I need to go tf outside. I knew they worked with DJ Frank E but not before the core BTR sessions. Still hungry for the full story behind that song... I'm wondering if it bounced around producer-wise and that's why we have so many versions of it? Cheers everybody ✌️
  20. Amy Heidemann of Karmin
  21. Exciting news for our thread here - They're releasing a deluxe version of Another Life on November 10, with four previously unreleased bonus tracks: Shot in the Dark!!! It's a brand new acoustic version recorded a few weeks ago, but still, never thought we'd see the day lol. Lowkey more excited to finally learn who wrote this damn song than I am for everything else Learn to Love - Kendall/Logan write, from the 4/22 Miami sessions (we heard it mentioned in the Miami Tapes) Dreamworld - Mentioned a long time ago by Bryan Todd, who also produced "Weekends" and "Ask You Tonight". We saw a couple snippets of them recording at Maffio's studio during the Miami Tapes with Adam of cut&dry. Your Way - I believe we have a snippet of this one, again from the Miami Tapes w/ Adam. (its been a little while lol) And of course an acoustic version of Weekends which is nice. Pretty cool overall ✌🏻️ Announcement tweet w/ Shot in the Dark snippet:
  22. This is a Sureshot song released in the late 2000s. I've never found anything to verify that rumor. There is a song called "Story of My Life" but it's a self-titled outtake, recorded in the same session as "Oh Yeah" - given Rudolf's production style it's unlikely this song has anything to do with it. That said I've always liked it and would love to hear a BTR cut! https://www.pophatesflops.com/topic/22951-big-time-rush-unreleased-infopost-masterpost/?do=findComment&comment=294784
  23. Just him! Usually the boys would write and record song demos by themselves, then after they got together and picked which ones they wanted for the album, they would track everyone's vocals for those
  24. This torrent is fake. I keep seeing it mentioned because of "So What" but that had nothing to do with it, it leaked in a Discord server I was in, by someone who (allegedly) worked with Nick briefly. They've leaked a couple other things not related to that torrent file in the last few years, so that wasn't their source
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