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Everything posted by BonnieMcChicken

  1. my fave songs are the luke ones i have to admit. but she can make great music without him. she has it in her. she is a star. a star is born when she drops luke lol jk
  2. i agree with the ti comment. i love kesha and gaga and hate dr luke so i am biased. she would go so much farther in music if she stopped working with him in my opinion. but she is allowed to work with who she wants to.
  3. this doesn't have anything to do with me. but i just wanted to add. i like kims music she has a great voice. what bothered me about the ep was her bringing up gagas name on a song produced by dr luke given the history. working with him is fine he makes great music. he is talented. and she doesn't have to believe her. but she shouldn't have brought that up in my opinion.
  4. bops. psycho kinda reminds me of poker face the first few seconds
  5. dirty laundry sounded so good live. i want to hear that one so bad.
  6. i just looked up codys version on itunes and the cover omg
  7. i just found this on youtube. kinda a bop. me going through my fake emo stage in high school.
  8. first time i've heard a song from her but i love her voice. to bad the album was scrapped now i have nothing to check out.
  9. it kind of sounds like the same girl singing alot of the songs to me. how does it feel is a bop. total bonnie melody.
  10. itty bitty titty is lol omg
  11. iconic. thanks for sharing. some sound like bops i need to listen in full.
  12. are these songs she has written?
  13. porcelain black. i love her music but it's just pointless to keep waiting at this point.
  14. i didn't leak the song. i just found the link. i don't have any unreleased bonnie songs
  15. now or never is me at bonnie holding the epic songs hostage i will walk out that door bonbon
  16. an emotional bop. point blank period. 😭 https://dbree.org/v/48bdb1
  17. sounds like it would be a massive bop
  18. don't starve yourself or become homeless to pay for songs people shouldn't have and are making money off something that isn't even theres
  19. what is that song called? lol
  20. me waiting outside bonnies house to demand answers
  21. everything but you has been slowly becoming my top fave. which is funny cause it was one of my least faves from the live versions. the instrumental is a bop.
  22. it should have been american girl everything but you then slay i've decided and the only thing i accept. everything but you would have been a great 2nd single.
  23. me waiting for forever 21 to leak
  24. does anyone have to find you in hq or something better than the lq i have. pretty please.
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