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Everything posted by BonnieMcChicken

  1. i think its tragically delicious and i feel alright they can say whatever baby ill keep living life i'm forever 21 but idk
  2. Don't get mad get famous indeed. now we need the song
  3. we need a new leak now to move on lol
  4. don't be bothered. you're a cutie and they are obvi jealous trying to get your attention.
  5. the verses of rewind your heart make me so sad. i feel like you can just hear her dreams and how bad she wanted to be a pop star. i feel so bad for her it didn't work out when and how she wanted it to. i just feel like you can really hear it in that song.
  6. just curious. what is everyones favorite song out of the ones that has leaked so far? i'm torn between waking up diagonal and outlaw
  7. i feel like the studio version will be a lot better than the live version for sure
  8. same! ill take whatever keeps me numb i can't wait to hear that beautiful chorus
  9. i need forever 21 hot city and dgmgf i'm so jealous. how do people even get unleaked songs.
  10. what songs are circulating? do you know?
  11. i thought thats what it meant. idk why but during the chorus all i picture is the hilary duff with love choreo lol. it's such a bop!
  12. prays for forever 21 and hot city. join the circle sisters
  13. It's so good!!! does anyone know what totl means?
  14. someone put it on dbree!
  15. i thought i saw someone say electric heaven was midtempo.... in what world.
  16. electric heaven. the way she sings who will come and save me when my heart breaks down.if thats what shes saying. never heard her sing like that
  17. she sound so good in the verses. she's singing in a way i'm not sure i've ever heard her sing before.
  18. electric heaven is a bop! i neeed forever 21 so bad ugh and hot city.
  19. forever 21 hot city and electric heaven are the ones i want the most. mirage interest me as well. does anyone have these?
  20. ill give someone $50 for forever 21 and hot city. haha
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