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Everything posted by BonnieMcChicken

  1. but we have most of it by now. so it's easier to say we can move past it now. would we all really be willing to forget forever 21 and not want to hear it?
  2. i think fans would of enjoyed her new music alot more if the epic album came out. thorns is a great song.
  3. but let's be real. you're willing to forget the album because you have it. if you didn't have it you might not be as willing to. no shade.
  4. i agree. i'm just thinking of how she may be approaching the situation. she keeps performing forever 21 cause she knows people want it. she doesn't perform her unreleased album.
  5. i agree. everyone who has the songs here should just leak it. don't do to use what bonnie has done for years.
  6. i agree. but if the only songs people really want from you are these and you say they arn't coming and you don't give anyone hope then no one will check it out. if she does release an album we will all be looking to see if any of these songs make it. unless she says they wont come out officially. and i'm sure some people wont even wait to check it out. maybe i'm wrong
  7. at this point she had 10 years to release it so no surprise it's finally leaking. but just finish leaking let's all move on with our lives.
  8. she's going to be bitter about everything leaking like charli and her album i fear
  9. she's stopping herself. her new music probably isn't that expensive to her. but i imagine the epic stuff is. and paying all of that to release something that won't go anywhere wouldn't be smart business wise i imagine.
  10. i have a live version in my album for now and my heart breaks every time.
  11. i think the epic songs would be her best chance at buzz. everyone wants them. but i don't think thats how she thinks of it
  12. i think bonnie will release 1 album. and then just singles from now on. so she can have a full album with her current voice and style. i don't think she will release the epic album. but maybe a few songs. slay forever 21 hot city etc so she can perform them without the screaming
  13. she said she will release them but not on deaf ears. she wants the songs to be heard and do something. i would imagine her plan would be to release the 2019 album to get some buzz then the songs everyone wants from epic. if she actually does it.
  14. i think the album released in 2022 is the 2019 album she made if i remember from what she said on a podcast recently.
  15. i doubt she will release the album. why release it if most of the songs are out there? she would have to pay so much money for something already out there.
  16. forever young and dumb forever unafraid
  17. but kim didn't get as close to it as bonnie and have it slip away. i'm sure seeing katy and being reminded about that sucks. and then when its your own voice it doesn't do good. she's probably really sad and scared to go through it again even though she knows the fans want this music. but it must also suck to know fans only really like this music and are not here as much for her newer music.
  18. i don't think bonnie is lazy exactly. i can't imagine how much it must hurt to want to be a big star and it not happen then work with one of the biggest stars ever and your own stuff not happen. and for your songs to do good when someone else is singing them and when you do not alot happens. i mean i know if you want it to happen you have to keep releasing not once every few years but i can imagine how much pain that put her through.
  19. i think in her mind she has every intention to put out the epic album. she knows everyone wants it. but shes to afraid to but she thinks she will one day. i don't actually believe she ever will though. and now since most of it has leaked she wont ever perform it again either lol
  20. our lord and savior
  21. i used ur eh for the new album version! you did a great job
  22. you did electric heaven?
  23. same. you're special to me if that counts haha
  24. do you have others???
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