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Everything posted by BonnieMcChicken

  1. it was nice enjoying the last few weeks listening to the leaks with all of you! i didn't realize there would be this much drama on here. it's ruined the experience. if forever 21 ever leaks i hope you all enjoy it! it is Bonnie's best song in my opinion. Have a good one everyone. it was fun while it lasted.
  2. I got 3 new squishmallows this week. they are so cute you guys.
  3. thank you so much
  4. did someone ever re master outlaw?
  5. a bop of a tracklist. shady to not include sleepwalker though. she is a bop.
  6. i posted twice my b
  7. yeah i like it a lot more than i did when it first leaked. i wonder if it was on the official album. isn't it pretty high up on the whiteboard? idk why i assumed the songs higher they up were the ones on the album.
  8. a bop. i was never the biggest fan of unlock your love for some reason. the harmonies sound nice though.
  9. i think this is my final tracklist. but theres one song if it leaks that i think could mess it up. 1. American Girl 2. I Wanna Fucking Call You 3. Forever 21 4. Waking Up Diagonal 5. S.L.A.Y. 6. Jenny's Got A Boyfriend 7. Everything But You 8. Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt 9. Hot City 10. Rewind Your Heart 11. Sleepwalker 12. Outlaw 13. Electric Heaven 14. Stars In Your Heart 15. Don't Get Mad Get Famous a bop tbh
  10. Thought about changing my album from waking up diagonal to don't get mad get famous. but i'm torn. but i made a cover for it if anyone liked the other one figured i'd share. https://imgur.com/a/px7MNGL
  11. i think i wanna fucking call you would of gotten the cutest video ever. i wonder if she recorded them for the ep since i assume this was on the ep
  12. i never really was the biggest fan of die happy. i'm sure the studio version is a bop though.
  13. highs & lows sounds like a bop.
  14. should i put sexin u either in these 2 options i need help sleepwalker sexin u outlaw or outlaw sexin u electric heaven
  15. i remember that. i wonder if she scrapped the first version of the album by 2013.
  16. was sexin u on the whiteboard? it's sounds so different from the rest of the album
  17. where is sexin you going on my tracklist. a bop!
  18. eleutheromaniac is better than beg borrow and steal in my opinion
  19. i'm tired and have to go to bed cause i have to work early tomorrow. and when i'm tired i get emotional lol. and i was just thinking about how fun this has been being on here waiting for all the leaks with everyone here. i remember how excited i was for this album in 2013/2014 and listening to the songs now i listen kinda as that person back then. but now everytime i listen as a 28 year old adult ( way to old to be refreshing a page waiting for the next leak lol) everytime i listen to these songs i will think about how exciting it was reading this forum and all of you talking and then signing up. idk i'm being dramatic. i just think it's cool we pretty much have the album at this point. but kinda sad since we have only a few songs left and people will slowly stop talking when theres nothing to wait for anymore. it's just been a fun experience waiting for the last album i've been really waiting for to finally leak with everyone. goes to sleep cause this is to dramatic over songs lol.
  20. pretty off topic. but did anyone watch april kills the vibe? i haven't been able to figure out a way to watch it yet.
  21. i haven't listened to head on in so long. it was always one of my faves. so happy its out in hq!!
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