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Everything posted by BonnieMcChicken

  1. i made a cute little deluxe ep just so the album isn't more than 15 songs. songs i assume were made during the making of the album. sayonara sexin u unlock your love always on my mind hitman trash television sabotage my so called life
  2. who ever did that with hit me up is really dirty DIRTY!!!!! tragic. would be such a good addition to the album since no forever 21
  3. no shade to bonnie love her forever. but i think kesha would actually release every song she records if it was up to her. i don't think she would hoard music.
  4. i had no idea she wrote a song for miranda cosgrove. a side note i will never NEVER get over her releasing disgusting. my fave unreleased kesha song. a bop that 100% should of been on animal.
  5. i doubt it will ever leak tbh unless it gets around in a few years. but i'm sure bonnie will release it at some point. if she still wants to perform it live. i'm sure out of all the epic tracks thats always the one that had the most chance. hopefully soon. i just hope its not reworked. but we can't even get hit me up to leak and most people fans and not fans have that one ugh
  6. i have that one clear live version of forever 21 on my album. but i have thought about taking it off so i could have all studio versions. but even as a live version its still too much of a bop to leave off.
  7. i think the beg borrow and steal era is bops for days. great songs. but eleutheromaniac is just so iconic. it's so much of her personality and catchy good songs. i love both for different reasons but eleutheromaniac is my #1 neon
  8. it worked!!! thank you legend
  9. it just goes to the start page
  10. if you ever listen to them let me know which ones are your faves! she has some really great unreleased songs.
  11. i know this is bonnies thread. i haven't explored much around the forum. does anyone here like neons music? i've been listening to her a lot these past few days. i wonder if bonnie and neon ever worked together.
  12. i would just like to enjoy the forum and bonnies music whenever i have some free time.
  13. please do not respond to any of my post going forward. thank you i appreciate it.
  14. hit me up is good. i assume it was between that and i wanna fucking call you and thats why she decided to sell it. i prefer i wanna fucking call you tbh. a bop forever. soooo! i'm gonna wait for you!
  15. not sure if anyone will see this. does anyone have hearts don't sleep? i can't find the leak and i got a new computer recently and can't find the file i had before.
  16. me getting 'account removed' and 'removed account' mixed up. haha
  17. i can see that you have no songs to share. i can see that you have ruined bonnies music for me. sorry for being rude and dramatic. but i'm over this toxicness you flipped out about last month and are doing the same thing. i have been 100% beyond nice and real with you. don't act like you are above me.
  18. theres only so many people who have those songs. we know who has the songs to trade. those snippets were sent to me because i was going to buy the songs. then i didn't because of all the drama that happened last month and i left. i'm sure electrolove can confirm if he sent the songs to you.
  19. you were not going to share anything. don't say i ruined something. i have been friendly to you the whole time i have been on this forum. i'm over this drama over something so pointless.
  20. i sent bearsbummers those snippets last night. weird? now this is so ridiculous. i asked for the song because i would like to hear it but i'm not going to beg for it. this drama over songs that are not even ours is so pointless. it's ruined. i don't even want to listen to these songs anymore because they are ruined. it's not cool to be nasty to each other on a forum over music. thats not even ours. none of use should even have these songs. i left but came back just to keep up if any new leaks. but i don't even care anymore. i don't even want to listen to anymore of the songs if they leak. i posted the original hit me up snippets to try and lower the price so i could buy the song and share it to everyone. i'm being dramatic and adding to it but it's all ruined for me now.
  21. leak hit me up for us so we can all bop to the iconicness
  22. i want to hear hit me up so bad
  23. dr disgusting would never allow that much guitar in a 2014 song and that real sounding drum kick and snare.
  24. i tested positive for covid today. someone leak something new to help me feel better 😪 hit me up and forever 21 would be appreciated.
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