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Everything posted by TakeYouToHell

  1. am i only who has a problem with Calling All Cars file? it won't open however it plays on the website
  2. Didn’t expected Message In The Bottle to be that good. The mix of rock sounds with electronic (not sure if yall understand what i mean) is a perfect sound for her, the intro instrumental is amazing. Such a pity that the best songs always leak in bad quality.
  3. Message In A Bottle would be from 2010-2012 right?
  4. Wild Heart is kinda mediocre maybe it will grow on me, it’s giving Wasted Youth for me
  5. I'm 90% sure that files I have are from that link. Enjoy: https://onlyfiles.io/f/3d085288faaa443e830ba13f39534b8e https://onlyfiles.io/f/301b57040ce844959271a781cfe8c50f https://onlyfiles.io/f/e8c74ddd590e46c19519bfbf6c0485f1 https://onlyfiles.io/f/5e384b86d6fa43c195ddfbe7ca7f11f3
  6. it's amazing. Added it to my 2010-2012 album and it fits perfectly.
  7. Heard Miranda's version for the first time and Bonnie ate her up
  8. just realised that this section exist lol

  9. I don't think covid is a good excuse for not dropping album... it's not like she will do worldwide tour and huge promotion for this album
  10. There's something weird with this track and it sounds way older than other Epic tracks despite being on that white board
  11. Agreed, she's so pretty however I wish she stopped using these weird filters on her social medias that make her eyes so big
  12. Electric Heaven, Thunder, I Dare You, Rules of Attraction, Hallelujah
  13. She's gonna drop Love Spell (Epic Reworked) and call it a day.
  14. She just responded to my tiktok comment saying that Electric Heaven, S.L.A.Y. and Forever 21 are coming… can she stop giving us false hope
  15. So “Wild Heart” is from 2018-19?
  16. omg what's the title? or what session is this?
  17. THIS, also I feel like she can release an album with new songs +4/5 Epic tracks like u said.
  18. I want her to put the Epic tracks officialy without any unnecessary changes, just the way they already are and finally finish this almost 8 year old chapter and move to new music.
  19. it seems like she's actually not Forever 21
  20. Happy birthday to Forever 21 chanteuse! Now someone leak something new
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