Anyone has fanmade version of Hey Alligator using actual Bonnie vocals and Galantis instrumental? I remember seeing it on Dbree one day, but I can’t found it anymore
Exactly my thoughts.
It Gets Better was rumored to be from 2011 but it sounds kinda fresher for me, I would say 2014? No clue about Show Me. Can someone confirm the years?
and we will talk about that whiteboard for another 10 years without album.
All I want is actually her dropping Forever 21, S.L.A.Y. and Last Call Lover on the album. The rest can be totally new bops for me. Btw the vision of having her album in music library that’s not fanmade is kinda surreal
If she ever gonna drop the album "Last Call Lover" deserves to be on it. What a anthem, seriously I can't listen to the chorus without singing it loud. Imagine her performing that song on some summer music festival>>> what a vibe
so we went from 2004 to 2009 to 2013 to 2017, every person says something different anyways her voice definietly sounds more mature than Trouble era, that's for sure.
Despite different chorus she’s the only one person credited as a writer on the official release, so my theory is that “Erase” is a real title and the deadmau5 version we’ve got was just early demo.