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TakeYouToHell last won the day on May 13 2024

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  1. She will be selling physical copies on tour (which starts on October 9) so… it’s a possible that vinyl & CD will have a deluxe tracks on it. Maybe that’s why she waited so long. October 9 is a Wendesday so… the deluxe release on October 4 (which is Friday)?
  2. Hot City deluxe announcement can come at any minute!
  3. One of the photographers who did the cover died almost 19 years ago and she second one credited on the booklet still has a 2000’d website in flash so
  4. Forever 21 seems to be already doing better than Jenny
  5. x2 Can someone rip it for non-Spotify users?
  6. She has another “surprise” coming. Maybe it’s vinyl or deluxe.
  7. She’s been talking about that album on basically every HC era interview, so it’s safe to assume that it’s coming. Tracks such as Stars In Your Heart and Worst In Me are 16 years old and they still made the cut, so 5 years is kinda nothing. I have a theory that she may modify it a little bit from the 2019-2020 form, re-produce some stuff to make it sound more “maximalistic pop” (but just with darker lyrics) cause it became her signature sound.
  8. What about making your AI stuff thread? ❤️
  9. Some of these request are… like who the hell wants to put already released Bombastic songs on it? or Stud Muffin? or Thorns (she can re-use it for BM3 tho, wouldn’t be mad). Let’s hope she already chose songs for the deluxe and won’t listen to some of these comments
  10. Nah, she won’t but we need that iconic blue bubblegum cover in HQ, next to iconic Hot City cover on album section on streaming
  11. This scan looks amazing! We need to ask her if she's able to switch the cover on streaming (I remember her saying she wants to remove Trouble from streaming, so maybe she somehow owns it) or at least upload it somewhere for us.
  12. At 17 minute, Bonnie said herself that American Girl is a lead single of Hot City Now, I kinda hope she’s gonna tack Thorns on BM3, can’t wait for the mess
  13. She said that they let her "license" it, so Epic still owns the masters for that one. Both releases—the 2013 single and the album version—share the same ISRC code. That means by streaming the album, Epic still gets a percentage of it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. Hot City album streams on Spotify so far: DGMGF - 18 487 Hot City - 710 828 Jenny's Got A Boyfriend - 114 155 Show You Mine - 13 207 I Wanna Call You - 11 737 American Girl - 22 222 583 Forever 21 - 13 156 Slay - 644 153 Electric Heaven - 11 593 Worst in Me - 8345 Snatched - 10 019 Sleepwalker - 1 250 160 Just a Kiss - 6044 Rewind Your Heart - 7671 Everything but You - 6620 Stars In Your Heart - 236 624 Total streams: 25,285,382 It's doing okay considering the fact she has 0 playlisting (except that one for Electric Heaven). By the end of the month every track should have at least 70-100k streams
  15. I actually hope that we won't get deluxe version (the track list and the cover are too good to change). She should take a example of Carly and give us "Hot City Side B" to close Hot City chapter, before moving to BM3 era in 2025. This is my concept, it goes kinda well. 1. Stay Lonely, Get Paid (2019 but seems like a perfect opener!) 2. Outlaw 3. Unlock Your Love 4. Hitman 5. Wild Card 6. Restless 7. Love Spell 8. Soundtrack To The End Of course Last Call Lover, Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt, Waking Up Diagonal, Right Now would be better choices than some of them, but sadly the chances for them are extremely low. That's why I chose songs that are easy to release by her. Not sure about Restless tho! Bonnie, if you're reading that please consider it
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