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Everything posted by zaynphallic

  1. Yeah I'm confused as to how people are interpreting "v soon" as "this month"? She literally just said on TikTok two days ago that the album is still being mixed?! As an independent artist she's submitting the final audio files and artwork to streaming services herself, and to increase the chance of being playlisted by Spotify and Apple Music all new releases need to be submitted at LEAST 3 to 4 weeks in advance for review. And in that recent podcast she said that she just shot the cover and is "working on" the artwork. Who knows how long ago that was recorded though. I think we MIGHT get a single (probably "S.L.A.Y.") later this month, followed by the album in late July or early August at the earliest.
  2. Does anyone know why "Hot City" wasn't included in the mid-2020 draft? I won't be surprised if this is the exact tracklist we get. With "Wild Card" and "Show Me Your Love" being the "couple extra" songs she referred to on the recent podcast. She also said she's "working on" the album artwork. Knowing what a perfectionist she is, we ain't getting this album anytime soon. Especially if she's planning physical copies.
  3. It does seem like something is finally happening, but based on Bonnie's track record I'll believe it when I see it on my Spotify Release Radar. IF (and y'all know that's a big IF) she does release this summer, what would you girlies like to see? Knowing she's #MissIndependent, and has said she's relying on TikTok to get the word out, I don't think we can expect a big campaign. I think it would make sense for her to release "S.L.A.Y." as the lead-single before the end of June. It's Pride month, it's an empowering banger, and it's the song most people have been waiting for. It would be a cute little way for her to sort of "pick up where she left off" with this project. Correct me if I'm wrong, but she said somewhere in her TikTok comments that she's already filmed a music video for it, right? Then it could be cute if she tried to have a little viral moment with "American Girl" around 4th of July. I realize that song won't be on the album, but it would be a good way to get her face and name back out there again. Finally, release the album in late July (with a vinyl pre-order), and "Forever 21" as the second single with a cute little summery video. A girlie can dream!
  4. Has the joy of having (most of) the Epic tracks worn off for anyone else? It felt like Christmas for a while, waking up to new leaks almost daily, and the euphoria of finally hearing these pop masterpieces we've been waiting nearly a decade for. I listened to pretty much nothing but the leaks for a few weeks, meticulously arranging them into my dream track list of the perfect pop album that could have been. It was encouraging to see Bonnie responding to comments on TikTok and Instagram ensuring that something was "coming soon", and for once I actually kind of believed her. Now, here we are months later... the leaks have stopped and Bonnie's gone silent again. Is it finally time to move on?
  5. So is someone gonna leak the final version of S.L.A.Y. or what? She's obviously never going to release it.
  6. Yassss thank you so much for this! 🙏 It always really bothered me how the version we have wasn't finished, and this edit makes it the perfect album intro!
  7. "Die Happy" is definitely a cute little BOP, but it's pretty generic IMO and the production feels a little home-spun and cheap. Kinda like "Thorns" and "Mad Mad World". It's certainly not as, err... epic and polished as some of the Epic tracks.
  8. Yeah, I've always found this tid-bit pretty interesting! It's obvious that "I Want It All" is from the early Epic album sessions (due to Greg Kurstin and Oligee's involvement), so the whole notion of Bonnie not having the rights to release songs from that time has always been a little fishy to me. I guess it might make sense re: "S-L-A-Y" because she wrote that song after "American Girl" was released, and perhaps the recording was funded by Epic, but I'm pretty sure she had most of the other songs ready to go before signing with Epic to begin with. In one of the Breaking Bonnie episodes she talked about "secretly planning this album for years". And didn't she say something about the the Epic deal being mainly just for distribution? It's clear they weren't funding any of her music videos ("American Girl" was basically filmed at her house lol) and I can't imagine them paying for studio time when Bonnie already had the industry connections and a producer boyfriend to make it all happen on her own anyway. I dunno y'all... I feel like the whole "she didn't get her masters back until recently!" thing is wishful thinking and Bonnie's been sitting back in her mansion in the Hollywood Hills with the ability to release these songs (just like she did with "I Want It All") but chooses to clown us and make TikTok videos instead.
  9. Where did the idea that she only got her Epic masters back in 2020 come from? Was this ever confirmed anywhere, or just hearsay from a fan sliding into Bonnie's DM's? I ask because I remember before "Thorns" came out (early 2017) Bonnie posted on her Instagram Stories that she was having a listening party with her friends to help decide which tracks should be on yet another album that never came to fruition (I assume this eventually went on to become the unreleased 2019 album as she described that album as "darker"). Anyway, I'm 99% sure that she said "S.L.A.Y." and "I Wanna Fucking Call You" were played at the listening party. Would she really have considered them for an album if she didn't already own the master recordings and rights to release them? Why the hell would Epic have held her masters hostage up until 2020? Anyway, slow news day and this just came to mind. Something tells me that she bought back (most of) her masters shortly after leaving Epic, and planned to release an album after the Bombastic EP, but... you know Bonnie. Always full of self-doubt and empty promises. Side note: She really needs to re-evaluate her "friends" if they really did convince her to release "Thorns" over any of the Epic tracks.
  10. It sucks that she wasn't able to acquire the rights for "Everything But You" and "I Wanna Fucking Call You" for the album – I feel like those are among the most quintessential Epic tracks. And we really need a better quality / finished version of IWFCY. 👀 Hopefully she'll just leak "Right Now" herself, since it's clear it'll never be released and no one seems to have it.
  11. Just yesterday she replied to a comment saying that "Die Happy" will be released, but this is Bonnie soooo... we'll see.
  12. PS does anyone know if a full version of Bonnie's "99 Red Balloons" cover exists?
  13. Saw that someone posted this in the "Latest Leaks" thread. Don't think it's been posted here? Bonnie McKee - Legends Onlyhttps://onlyfiles.io/f/99fec0bde38f4e32aa9c4d2b905f69aa Cute little bop!
  14. Speaking of Bonnie co-writes... does anybody have the full length version of Adam Lambert's "Stay Right Here"? Sounds like a mega BOP.
  15. Does "Last Call Lover" make anyone else wanna put on a wig and whip it around ferociously? ...Just me? It's a bop.
  16. "Now or Never" is SO GOOD. Thank you queen @BonnieMcChicken!
  17. Not this being an absolute BOP and a half! Does anyone have any info on this track? It kind of sounds like it could be from around the same time as "Restless".
  18. Me and the girls in the seniors centre when Forever 21 is finally released: I want it all for free, I want it every night I wanna live the dream, I wanna feel ALIIIIIVVVVVVEEEE
  19. Seeing as they wrote it together, and it was meant for Carly's album, I can't imagine why Bonnie would demo the track as well.
  20. Can someone share a snippet of Show Me Your Love?
  21. YES PLEASE!!!!! 🙏
  22. omg... the final version of EBY is EVERYTHING. 🙏
  23. Yes please! Come thru @ElectroLove 🙏💖
  24. There's a very short clip of "Wild Card" in her short film April Kills the Vibe. It's sort of mid-tempo. It doesn't really sound like any of the other Epic songs, but if I had to compare it to one it would probably be "Unlock Your Love".
  25. Does anyone have any more info on "Show Me Your Love"? It was one of the titles on the infamous whiteboard track list, and I remember a few people on here saying that they had it around the time when the mass leak happened. Just curious if it's a bop or a ballad or what, as we're all obviously thirsty for "Forever 21", but this was another track that was close to making the final cut and I haven't heard much about it.
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