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Everything posted by jamesmax

  1. Is there a Bonnie discord we can all join? It'll be fun. 😉
  2. I know y'all are excited are for her Epic album to finally get released, but some of the new songs she recorded are dare I say better.
  3. https://youtu.be/Spor5jvLAi4
  4. That wasn’t on tour. It was a random pride show. She only performed it once.
  5. Electric Heaven was on the Epic board, so she was gonna use it at some point for the album. Somebody’s Gonna Get Hurt and Rewind Your Heart were also not performed on tour, but they were gonna end up on the album.
  6. I need a good cover for her Thorns Ep era. What would y'all add to that tracklist? I would say these: 1. Thorns 2. Die Happy 3. Mad Mad World 4. Dirty Laundry 5. Hey Alligator Her music took a nosedive during that era, other than Hey Alligator.
  7. Did this just get registered? If so, it will most likely be on the album.
  8. You should try to meet her and ask her about new music.
  9. She'll perform new songs that we'll never get.
  10. Sooner than we think? Girl, we've been waiting since 2012.
  11. An album without American Girl sounds weird to me. It’s what started it all and it would feel incomplete without it.
  12. Right Now will never be officially released because of Dr. Luke.
  13. Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous won’t be on the album. She said it’s a shit show and she might just upload it on TikTok. It’s understandable since she never really finished it. I’m glad it leaked.
  14. Didn't she say that Die Happy is a brand new song when she first performed it back in 2017?
  15. I just listened to the podcast and I actually believe her for once. She shot the album cover and everything...
  16. Let's see if we'll get any answers about an album this Monday when this interview comes out. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWgxuzJVcZ/
  17. Lemonade https://krakenfiles.com/view/kf3lrkgk7s/file.html
  18. That Wild Card snippet is from her short film. Y'all ain't getting shit this summer.
  19. The song she was using in the video is from the musical Rent.
  20. I like that. We needs a nice cover to go with it.
  21. There’s an album worth of demos pitched for Femme Fatale. We should narrow them down, so it can get things organized.
  22. LMFAO fuck both of you @tropicalian @bearsbummer Here is Mess Around for the rest https://onlyfiles.io/f/54520b52e528402aa15d2e234aa5afc4
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