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Everything posted by jamesmax

  1. She says brown rice in the final version. It's brown rice.
  2. Everything that leaked so far is edited/not final. 🙂
  3. If she doesn't release the album this year it will never come out. She still has the mentality she had back in 2013 about getting hits. Chances are even slimmer now, because she's independent and older.
  4. Not "All depends!". This album is never coming out.
  5. I’ll give her a month.
  6. I don’t know what people bought.
  7. Claude Kelly is also credited and does backing vocals.
  8. Oligee produced Up to Me. Soulshock produced My So Called Life.
  9. Agreed. I won't be mad if she adds it to the album, even though it's newer than the other tracks. It has the same 80's feel.
  10. Restless got deleted from YouTube because of copyright.
  11. I mean, she can start teasing the album...
  12. It's called Electric. From 2012.
  13. Up to Me is from 2013, so it's technically from the epic sessions.
  14. Her poor hard drive.
  15. If you don't shut the fuck up...
  16. Right Now is apparently starting to circulate. Let’s wait and see.
  17. Guilty Pleasure is from 2011. 2-18-11 is the date it was recorded in.
  18. I wanna see this energy when she actually releases it and you buy it.
  19. I wasn't the one who leaked Forever 21 btw. Someone pretended that I did and put my name on it.
  20. It's not great and she never finished it. People should stop leaking her newer stuff though, because that would be shitty for her.
  21. Her IG story. Is anyone going? We need her to answer some questions!
  22. Ugh she was so ready. I'm glad it's finally seeing the light of day, 9 years later.
  23. I have a feeling her next TikTok will be her showing the vault and that will be the beginning of the real teasing strategy. Hopefully with a snippet of SLAY.
  24. Hit and Run is 2009? I thought it was 2010
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