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Everything posted by jamesmax

  1. Does anyone have a link of all of her leaked songs?
  2. A bop. Now let’s get Bonnie’s version.
  3. Random info about So Called Life: It was actually recorded in 2010, not 2011. The official title is "My So Called Life".
  4. Here is the interview. I’m glad she fixed her fingers.
  5. Did you guys listen to the new podcast she was on? She talked about people on forums trading, leaking, and buying her songs. She didn’t sound that bothered because she’s “feeling the love”. As far as the album, she basically said the same thing she said a couple months ago about it coming out and she has another one ready.
  6. For Carly's album. They were in the studio together back in November.
  7. No release dates yet.
  8. I was talking about Carly's album lmao. She announced the tracklist and they worked together back in March, but the songs they did didn't make the cut. I have tea on Bonnie's albumS, but we'll save that for another day.
  9. The song she did with Carly Rae Jepsen didn't make the cut. We just keep losing.
  10. Happy Bonnie release month. She said it's coming this month. If it's not we're doing another listening party if you catch my drift. 😊
  11. I’ll dm you later with everything. You can post it for everyone here, because I don’t know how to organize nicely like you do.
  12. So many mistakes. I'll fix everything in a different post.
  13. An artist is releasing a song Bonnie co-wrote really soon and it's a huge bop. I already want Bonnie's version of it. Editing this cuz she posted a snippet of it https://www.tiktok.com/@peachprc/video/7124161684712803585
  14. This will be her excuse for delaying the video.
  15. She's replying to more comments on TikTok. She's not gonna release Modern Girl. Apparently it's a "one off".
  16. Something we can’t say about her career.
  17. Not Bonnie leaking her own songs now.
  18. I think she was talking about SLAY when she said mid august, not the full album. At this point I feel like it won’t come until next year.
  19. Lie Detector.
  20. Come to discord.
  21. Mad Mad World flashback. This is not coming out.
  22. We’re gonna have another BIG discord listening party again if she doesn’t release anything until September.
  23. It was a joke.
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