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Everything posted by Forever21

  1. I knew it sounded familiar! Thanks! πŸ˜—
  2. Not from the Epic era... but first time I'm hearing it... is this new? https://dbree.org/v/561fba
  3. It can't leak, people are still sellin it... gotta get the money back before it leaks.. πŸ₯²
  4. Sounds amazing! What song is that? πŸ‘€
  5. At this rate, the Epic album might be a posthumous release πŸ˜…
  6. Can't believe she just turned 38! 😳
  7. Where? I got the money if that's all that's missing for us to get this bop 😜😝
  8. Afaik it hasn't leaked yet. Part of my new morning routine is coffee and checking Dbree for some new Bonnie McKee... I know I'm a sad gay 😝
  9. I wanna believe it's the real deal, but after the fake Forever 21 snippets and also since it's such a short snippet... I'm so torned πŸ˜…
  10. Less drama, more leaks please πŸ˜‡
  11. Same I offered almost 200$ CAD and never found a seller 😭
  12. I want someone to Hit Me Up with Forever 21 Right Now! πŸ˜‚
  13. Forever 21 is gonna be so expensive... you might have to sell more than just a few nudes... maybe sell your soul πŸ˜…πŸ˜
  14. I offered to buy... but no seller. I have all this money saved up for Forever 21.. just waiting for that one special day were someone will say I have it and it's rare... so send me a foot and a leg πŸ˜‚
  15. Wow thanks! I didn't know that. It's crazy how people on here know all this stuff. You guys S.L.A.Y! πŸ˜—
  16. I believe that song was given to Galantis no? It even features the vocals of Bonnie on the final version but they are heavily edited so they don't sound like her at allπŸ˜ͺ
  17. That would sound amazing. So many missed opportunities.
  18. Are we sure it was for Bombastic and not for Avril Lavigne? I hear similarities with Dumb Blonde that was also written by Bonnie. πŸ‘€
  19. Let's hope it leaks before end of week so we can jam to it all weekend like were Forever 21! πŸ₯³
  20. I hate the person who uploaded a Kim Pettras track as Forever 21 on Dbree... I literally had a heart attack and thought it had finally leaked 😭 Seems we have a new snippet tho.. anyone ever heard of Highs and Lows? πŸ‘€
  21. I agree with you! Personnally Sleepwalker and Stars in your heart are always the bonus tracks for the deluxe edition I made πŸ˜›
  22. It's called Sexin U
  23. After Forever 21 I will finally live in peace the rest of it can be enjoyed by people alone in their basements for all I care πŸ˜…
  24. We need a SLAY challenge on TikTok.. let's make it happen maybe if we go viral she will finally release it 😝
  25. And I just said that it was my favorite song ever and that I hoped to enjoy it as a single some day... Guess that ain't happening 😒
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