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Everything posted by NamiraWilhelm

  1. ah, well, I'm a loner in rl so that's not an issue for me but I lovveeee sandboxes! The bigger the better. And you do eventually get companions! But Bethesda style companions, nothing like loveable bioware type companions. If bethesda wrote characters like bioware, with their enormous games, fuck, I'd be in heaven. No I haven't, admittedly I'm a huge pussy and I can't do horror. Horror movies and definitely not horror games! They're so much scarier than movies >< Watching others play the likes of silent hill was enough to deter me for life! Though i like the telltale walking dead game, that's an ickle bit horror-esque
  2. So many gorgeous collections! Trying to arrange mine atm, very often getting fed up and quitting, there's so much ><
  3. Nah it's fine, you don't need to play them to know what's going on. If you love 4 then just play 3 and New vegas because they're awesome! The original older games are old hat now, also they're timed? You have to complete them in a time limit, such bs. I want to explore and dick around not rush through it. I agree, seems like an utterly pointless game
  4. Is anyone up to date on the walking dead comics? Still good?
  5. I mean... I want to be harmonious open minded human being but.... do I really have to accept incest >.< I'm not even comfortable with unrelated step children getting together....
  6. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. But yeah, I don't see anything from the video besides him being emotionally unstable (which of course isn't nice to endure either) and then losing his shit that he was being filmed.
  7. Anyone know of a DL link for the Hozier 2cd special special edition ?

  8. Ok thanks! I'll buy whichever is cheapest !
  9. Speaking of pokemon, can anyone recommend a good ds pokemon game? I went to buy a couple but was told they were garbage so Idk what to get. I want to get one on my ds to compensate for my shit pokemon go server luck
  10. I'm not, Angle here! I'm here because i fell in love with an Aussie lol, so I'm doing the working travel visa in order to spend more time with him (not that anyone wants to give me a job sigh). Currently in Canberra ^.^ where are you?
  11. Nothing but thieves, any other fans around?
  12. You've really done your homework! Okies thank you
  13. Do you think the sampler was young enough to have only demos on it, or was likely to have some polished born to die tracks too?
  14. Thank you!
  15. Nuka World isn't out until the 30th >< God damn it
  16. All I can think of is Firefly But part of me wants to say Dinosaurs. But it wouldn't be the same, even if I'd love more of it...
  17. Wonder if they meant for the protagonist to be the least likeable person on the show
  18. Is that definitely the correct album sampler track list? If so I might have to put it together in my collection just for completionist sake. Does anyone know how we know about this sampler, if there are any photos/scans of it etc
  19. Just did a rewatch but couldn't bare to revisit the fourth season haha. Two things in there that were distressing enough i just want to forget they happened >.<
  20. wow australian netflix actually has this yay I can partake! Even though I'm a pussy and the first season scared me...
  21. Not really into gigs due to getting claustrophobic in that kind of scene so very few! Lana Del Rey at the hammersmith apollo Nothing but Thieves and AWOLnation. When with a friend then fell in love with Nothing But Thieves, the vocals on their lead singer is angelic. And I finally got to see Ben Howard at ali pali last year That man is so majestic The only person I'm bothered about seeing next is the wonderful Hozier
  22. I just remembered the walking dead game season 3 must be nearly upon us, too ^.^
  23. Christ good luck! Witcher 3 is a beast of a game, i can't recall how much memory it needed but it took forever to dl. Did you try the previous two games? You might like to try those first for the story, they'll be a pittance on steam now. I only couldn't play them because I play for story lines only and the combat was too god damn hard My worry is the extreme gamers that'll do nothing but sit at home conquering lands all day and I'll end up not getting to discover anything!
  24. Lana Del Rey - scar face
  25. Grace by Jeff Buckley
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