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Everything posted by coolaideonfire

  1. This sounds amazing. It's like a bridge between her sound from Born To Die to her sound for Ultraviolence.
  2. Guess we'll find out on her show, but that sounds right. Of course, the tabloids would jump to the most scandalous conclusions.
  3. Love the 2nd one.
  4. I wasn't mad at her Britney comment. I think it was ignorant to say that though because their experiences are not the same. She probably won't go "off the rails" because the intrusion is nowhere near what Britney and Amy experienced during their careers and at the height of her personal trouble and probably never will be. She is 17 and she will learn.
  5. Haha, I expected a less optimistic response as well. Lorde is so cool - she knows what's up. Everyone loves Lizzie Maguire.
  6. From the same shoot as the one where she's wearing a rose jacket and riding a bike? Love that shoot. Nice to see these outtakes.
  7. I'm excited to see Hilary get back to work! I'll check this out.
  8. I only watched a few episodes of Being Human. But Skins was fantastic! Particularly the 1st cast.
  9. UK lol. The show is based in London.
  10. I was going to suggest She's All That. I love that film so much. What about Freaky Friday (sort of make-over, as they switch bodies) and Parent Trap (one of the twins gets a make-over to be like the other one before swapping carers). Also, The Little Mermaid, since she gets legs and also gets made over by Prince Eric when she was on land.
  11. I think Asylum is my favourite of the 3 series. I loved Murder House as well though, they were both always spooky as fuck. I feel like Asylum and Coven lost that spook and suspense in a sense - Coven more so - and I hope they're able to bring it back with Freak Show.
  12. There was a show called Switch here recently about a group of witches living in modern times. It's kinda like a sitcom about a group of friends with elements of Being Human, I guess, lol. It was ok. It's 6 episodes long so if you're interested and can find it you'll be done in a few days.
  13. The first 3 are really good. The later ones never had the same appeal for me, but it's interesting to see what traps and tests they'll come up with.
  14. I don't mind it, but I wish the logo was clearer. It looks a mess.
  15. While pretending I'm a popstar by giving concerts during my morning shower, I've always imagined an album called Tales Of Love And Loss and 3 EPs called The Beginning, The Middle and The End.
  16. It is an every day struggle and one she will probably live with for the rest of her life. I like that she recognised rehab gave her the tools to cope, but she needs to learn how to apply them to her daily life OUTSIDE rehab. I think part of the problem in general is people are so unaware and unwilling to give addicts the time of day or afford them any kind of respect. Lindsay will find it hard, but she can turn it around. There is a lot of good will for her beneath the criticism.
  17. Jealous of some of her conquests.
  18. I love the term "conscious uncoupling". I'm not a fan of either, particularly, but I thought they'd be in it for the long haul.
  19. I watched the 3rd episode yesterday. I love Oprah.
  20. Lady GaGa - Poker Face? "All I see is signs, all I see is dollar signs".
  21. Now I know that, it's even better.
  22. The eLLa stuff is cute, haha. I sort of feel it's a big kiss-off to fans who complained rather than it being genuine though, it seems quite sarcastic because of the extreme cuteness and pop sound but maybe that's my perception as I wasn't aware of the story behind it all.
  23. She looks fantastic. So nice to see.
  24. Good riddance.
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