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Everything posted by coolaideonfire

  1. ionnalee - Everyone Afraid To Be Forgotten is what I'm looking forward to right now. I hope she tours a little bit too.
  2. I think, when it was being considered for The Fate of the Furious soundtrack they didn't think Britney was a good fit.
  3. More Britney is always welcome! Wish her parts made up larger parts of the song though, but she sounds lovely.
  4. I haven't been to many gigs recently, since my last post I've seen Grizzy Bear and The Choir Of Young Believers because my friends took me. I hadn't listened to them before - Grizzly Bear were great! The Choir Of Young Believers probably sound better on record, the lead singer kept randomly screaming throughout the songs and it was horrible. I've seen Nerina Pallot again twice. She performed her new album Stay Lucky in full earlier this year at Cafe Zedel in London and it was amazing.
  5. So sad but not surprising. We really need to work on our attitudes and reach a point of inclusiveness. I think a lot of it comes from society's ideal of what masculinity should be... that men should be butch and strong, and anything contrary makes them less of a man. Effeminate boys grow up disliking themselves because they don't match these ideals, and children are often bullied for being perceived as gay/effeminate, so once we reach adulthood we have all these toxic ideas of what masculinity is, and what kind of men we should be attracted to, and what kind of men should represent us.
  6. The film looks really good. I'm looking forward to seeing it, even if Angelina will always be Lara Croft to me.
  7. That looks great! I really like how the album cover photo looks with no text over her forehead, and with the wallpaper to the left of her. It might not have been too bad if the album cover itself was more like that.
  8. It airs on TV here, so I watch it every week, haha. It's my favourite trashy show.
  9. I don't watch the show, but I think it's fantastic having a female doctor. I understand the fans disappointment, I guess, but this is essentially an alien that regenerates... it can be anything lol.
  10. All of your covers are such high quality. Gorgeous!
  11. That's right, it's coming March 2018. I think Alicia looks a lot like the current Lara Croft so it's good casting in that sense, but it's a shame it's based on the recent games rather than the bad-ass Lara of the 90s/2000s.
  12. Daria, Braceface, Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, Doug, As Told By Ginger
  13. Lana Del Rey - Life Is Beautiful Britney Spears - Rebellion Spice Girls - W.O.M.A.N.
  14. Lunch or dinner. Breakfast makes me feel sick.
  15. I was surprised Portugal won, but I suppose it's nice to have some different for a change. A lot of the uptempo tracks that seemed like easy wins were very annoying this year.
  16. Love them so much! I wish they had more success and caught on a bit more, they really had a lot of potential and fit in well with how pop was in the UK at the time. Does anyone have any unreleased tracks or demos?
  17. I'm happy with Sana being the focus of Season 4
  18. New single Scared Of The Dark is out Friday, album Tears On The Dancefloor follows 21st April. UK/IRE tour in November and December with support from Vengaboys.
  19. How exciting. I hope whatever they do it's more interesting than the Christmas/Winter album. I want some more bops.
  20. It was such a mess. Hilarious that they had to use (Can't Get No) Satisfaction, Elvis's Trouble and I Love Rock And Roll for any of the Britney performances.
  21. Poster from another angle, so it's definitely real.
  22. Ready for this. Come on Lana!
  23. They released clips on the site in real time and those clips would be shown as full episodes at the end of the week I think.
  24. She was really good! Everyone was dancing
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