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Everything posted by coolaideonfire

  1. Nocturnes (Little Boots).
  2. When Oprah tells you to cut the bullshit you know shit is serious.
  3. I like that most of them were good sports about it.
  4. Quince tart. I had to Google it but my Gosh this round is difficult lol.
  5. Oreo cheesecake.
  6. Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook. All day. Every day. (only half joking... )
  7. Science.
  8. Will Young.
  9. Diana Vickers.
  10. Explosion.
  11. Grool. I think it will be some sort of cast reunion, looking back and sharing stories, rather than a film though.
  12. It is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX7RNWHadAg#ws The Britney Jean instrumental and Hot As Ice remix are cool. I'm not a fan of the Circus demo so I'm glad it wasn't part of the album. There are no Britney vocals except for the HAI remix.
  13. Catfight.
  14. Croissant.
  15. Disaster.
  16. I used to have a copy of this and it is INCREDIBLE. The song writing was fantastic and the overall sound is sort of like the Disney pop/rock sound of the early to mid 2000s (like Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan and Ashlee Simpson (no surprise they all worked with Kara lol)). If anyone can find it again we'd all be in for a treat. I found these on Tumblr - Avalanche is my favourite of these 4 but my most favourite was Crying At The Disco which I can not find. Taking Chances: http://chocolateboobie.tumblr.com/post/15115824723/platinum-weird-taking-chances Avalanche: http://victims-vixens-vicodins.tumblr.com/post/13984310026/platinum-weird-avalanche-kara-is-such-a If You Believe In Love: http://pancakeradio.tumblr.com/post/54547315238 Love Can Kill The Blues: http://a-bbyroad.tumblr.com/post/42078646482/we-all-have-our-own-sweet-damage-dont-let-it
  17. Starbucks.
  18. Yes, I liked the first few episodes as well. It was about halfway through the season it started to lose its momentum. I really loved the idea of witches and voodoo as well as some of the social issues the season addressed such as racism so it's a shame it didn't turn out so good.
  19. I wasn't a big fan of Coven. I hope the next series is a little more suspenseful and thriller-based like Murder House and Asylum.
  20. Sure! There will be some awkward moments for sure but for a show titled Sex And The City it is actually very tame. The sex scenes and conversations they have about sex aren't too graphic actually. Over the whole 6 seasons there's maybe 1 or 2 scenes I wouldn't want to watch with my parents lol.
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