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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. I am working on the follow up to EA right now. It is a EP that focuses on the stages of a volcano erruption. 1.TBD (Build Up) 2.TBD (Eruption) 3. TBD (Ash/ Lava flow) 4. TBD (Destruction) 5. TBD (After Math) 6. TBD (New life/ regenration) 7. TBD (Legacy)
  2. The picture I posted was a close up of HIV.
  3. Yassss knee! sabotage her career!
  4. She posted a picture of the Roc Nation logo so...
  5. I hope you fucking choke on a dick and die.
  6. Reductive title. Happy Birthday!
  7. Pikachu will cut you. Have you heard the dialog? Everything is explained by another trainer because Ash is a stupid twat. "Water type Pokemon love the water!" - Misty to Ash who asked her what Water types where after being in like 3 different regions and having several Water type on his team. Idek why you're even watching after the first three regions tbh... The first season was the best and everything from there just went downhill...anything after season five or so is just not worth watching. I watch it because I like seeing the Pokemon being lively. But the movies are mostly good, except a few but there is like 6 so their is bound to be a few bad ones. Also the Unova region wasn't that bad.
  8. Also Elvis is on the list so maybe they are pulling the parody party out again.
  9. Science We search our whole lives for meaning. This is the goal but how do we find the answers to the natural world?
  10. First Short Film Complete Testing
  11. Pikachu will cut you. Have you heard the dialog? Everything is explained by another trainer because Ash is a stupid twat. "Water type Pokemon love the water!" - Misty to Ash who asked her what Water types where after being in like 3 different regions and having several Water type on his team.
  12. I heard about this great film, it is very romantic, the characters are also really close: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1467304/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  13. *Prays for live action Pokemon series (That isn't as bad as the anime)*
  14. "No you don't look bad!" "NO GBF isn't about you!" "Your not a whore"
  15. YASSS at the C2C win! Also YASSSSSS at all the Beyonce loses! YASSSSSS Sam smith for sweeping the big wins! YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS for Katy getting no Grammys!
  16. Katy pulled all of that tricks out of the bag for that show.
  17. And yet he remains more of an icon than you ever were, when you spent two weeks pretending to be a leak blog. Nobody likes him anymore lmao look at his asks. He's annoying. TOSTB is like 6 people though so... Also are you Carson?
  18. You shouldn't force it out Mo Living For Love On The Toilet
  19. True, but some of the writing on TFM is beyond pop fodder though. Yeah, but in that case, it's mostly impersonal. Good writing, not applicable. I see.
  20. Bitch On The Toilet
  21. True, but some of the writing on TFM is beyond pop fodder though.
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