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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. My faves. I am going to see Marilyn Manson with my brother this summer and I might die.
  2. I'm the only one who wants to go under the knife? I want to look like this:
  3. Everyone should just send me all their unleaked so I can hoard it and prevent any further drama. H.B.I.C. is up first! Also someone is being a entitled cunt to someone just because they are not getting what they want.
  4. I saw Elton John in Vegas, he called Celine Dion a skinny bitch. It was great. 10/10 would recommend.
  5. Let's talk about the work we want done! I want: a right brow lift so it is even to the other one a nose job so I have a right nostril that I can breathe out of shoulder implants so they are more square a chin bone implant angular cheek and temple implants a fat relocation (inner thigh to ass) lips injections sweat gland removal permanent hair removal (whole body) mole removal on my scalp
  6. I have had bad gas since coming back from Vegas and it stinks really bad but I have blaming the dog. Also Elton John was amazing live, he performed the album version of Rocket Man and I cried.
  7. You can now legally pay for it though (and use a VPN to view any other countries' Netflix.) And yeah, different streams is how many people can use it at once, I think. Yes, that's what it means.
  8. Ugh, I wish I could rock skinny jeans properly. :'( I wear them anyway but my thighs are too fat, it's gross! Aw! Yeah i'm super self conscious about my thigh's too, but I think I'm just overcritical of myself Aww, I know the feeling boo! :'( But I'm sure your thighs are majestic and beautiful! "your thighs are majestic and beautiful!" Classic. Iconic. Legend.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Also it debuets March 23rd, aka my birthday. Get ready to BLOW!
  11. I cut the tracklist to three tracks because I am just not feeling the other ideas. 1. Wait 2. Yell 3. Burn 4. Surprise Pokémon themed track. (Hint: Generation 1, Orphan)
  12. I make really good music too. I fuck around on a laptop and stop when I get bores or tired!
  13. Happy birthday, I wiped out a wild Psyduck with my level 100 Venusaur just for you!
  14. No one of importance. Me I rest my case. #PrincessofNaturedisaproves #I'msendingSydnyFunnelWebspideratogetyou #andsharks
  15. Yes @matildamantis follow PHF. Still haven't gotten my interview request .
  16. Me too, but I'm gonna redo it and rig my answers so I can be the meat dress. I'm Christina's assless chaps! Where is Björk's iconic swan dress tho? That site only post pop culture recesses to top 40 pop girls
  17. Me too, but I'm gonna redo it and rig my answers so I can be the meat dress. I'm Christina's assless chaps!
  18. That is saying A LOT. I'm getting real sick of you popping up in my notifications purely to piss all over the hard work that I've put into my music, which is clearly superior to your messy attempts at art. If you're not going to support anything I do, don't expect me to fake enthusiasm next time Floptilda releases her failed attempts at music.
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