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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. are you sure that the remix wasnt a ARTPOP outtake?
  2. So whats with the scorpion on her tit?
  3. Do what you want, its your life
  4. #ladycoruptga
  5. masturbation
  6. cake like lady gaga
  7. I want something like murder house but less plots happening tbh, that has been the best season. IMHO even though there was like 1000 plots happening at once
  8. I got really high on thanksgiving and forgot to watch it :oops:
  9. The album is printed in the us, and the disc is made in china but printed on and filled in the us too
  10. :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum: :vacuum:
  11. bitch can go to a after party but she can't show up to the grammys to grab some promo for ARTFLOP.
  12. so she is still trying to make money before she slips to the irrlevent crowd with kelly rowland and the other member of DC who i can't remember
  13. wow brooke really hit it big with feel yourself, shes going to paris #slaycandy
  14. she looks so good
  15. probably not but if i were it would go like this 1.green ghost Ep (consumer friendly, very light, about the spirit of the young) 2.Ravens heart EP (half/ half, very very very dark, about a period of my life when a noose was the only option i thought i had) 3.Moth EP (half/half, dark with light/sexy undertones, about embracing the scars and darkness) 4. MONOLITH (all caps, half/half, dark and artsy,about evolution) 5.EQUAL (very edgy kind of electronic rock like sound,about social evolution,very controversal) 6.RAIN (lighter, shows my venerable side, dark ballad type songs tinted with EDM elements,more for fans than public, about personal evolution)
  16. is it sad i know who most of these are directed to and i haven't even been here a full week
  17. Done!!! :excited: :excited: :excited: <3 <3
  18. I am uploading my collection right now and I'll post it soon, it isn't as complete as this list but it's something.
  19. #wehaveakeyboardwarior
  20. the had 2 hit songs, flopped and then went to reality tv.barley anybody remembers them so...
  21. I meant "or" kill me now
  22. anyone have dl links are what?
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