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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. Very subtle there ashley. very subtle
  3. Just stating the fact, doing what I am doing now has killed my reputation on many forums and I didn't want that to happen here #CYPHERLIKESVAGINA #EW
  4. I have come off as a bitch lately and I am sorry. Cypher, Mo , Dayfid and anyone else sorry. I spilt the TEA The hastag thing is meant to be ironic and lighthearted and the desperation is real but a little exaggerated. Sorry- Seacowst A.K.A Shaun
  5. I typed in the image code wrong :oops:
  6. I was expecting a pregnancy tbh. And this seems like she is trying to cash in on the LGBTQCYPHER community
  7. Thanks to this I got so much dick I have multiple STDs in both holes
  9. Pecan pie
  10. Some people just need to shut the fuck up.That is all
  11. those girls that think they can use gay slang because they watch drag race and have a gay "best friend" who really doesn't like them but can't tell them to fuck off because they are too nice
  12. Uncle had his debt catch up to him and he had to borrow money from my dad
  13. Sharon Needles and Natalia Kills
  14. TIWRARLL is kind of good and so is the prisoner remix she did with Jefree Star but other than that I haven't heard much from her,she seems so obsolete any more. I feel like she is trying to be the rock and roll babe /pop star hybrid and I feel like that has been done before
  15. #3 it was true 4 months ago but family issues... sigh
  16. Lagongila was the best, with her Fame monster gaga hair and dazzling head piece but Creme is a total tool
  17. Dear Ashley I am in love with someone yet I abandoned him because he was hard to confront after he found out but I want to start talking to him again what do I do? also how do you remove a rubber fist out of your ass?
  18. I breed tarantulas I got to say Hi pink while she was midair I will get to meet Britney in 8 months
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