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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. Ashley wins both TBH, Mo seems distant and I don't really know David TBH
  2. She looks as pale as casper tbh
  3. I wish she picked a sexy photo instead though
  4. Have you guys seen some of the people on tumblr though? He did do some awful things but the people on that site seem to forget that he was also a person. Tumblr says awful things about everyone anyway but they are getting out of hand TBH
  5. Wasn't Platinum 2000 meant to be a release of her first 2 albums to celebrate the 2000's?
  6. Here is the thread for the TV adaption of Stephen King's novel of the same name. There is said to be a season 2 happening this summer.
  7. This October marks the 10th year since the widespread release of the now classic horror movie. There is plans for a re release but it is not known if it will be a theater re release or a straight to home video re release. Either way Let The Games Begin!
  8. Here is my AMA. AMA means Ask Me Anything so ask me anything? No limits!
  9. When can I buy the book?
  10. Jeffree Star is like the next Porcelain Black, big shot got cocky and took a dumb risk and is stuck with a nobody. At least Jeffree Star already had devoted fans unlike Goth Toilet
  11. Is he the betrayer?
  12. Her debut EP was pure fire! I hope she doesn't end up like Neon or Toilet Black. She could have a niche in the club scene!
  13. Thank you for all of your sweet comments. <3
  14. I am thirsty tbh. :oops:
  15. Who was that directed to?
  16. Greek independence day is today aka my birthday.
  17. Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me Happy birthday dear seacowst Happy birthday to me! :vacuum: :vacuum:
  18. I'm glad she cleaned herself up, she seems so happy and at peace too.
  19. OMG thats my name but I spell it Shaun
  20. You mean I have had it forever and then they complain because nobody has them
  21. I will give a quote from each release GG EP: Can you feel the heat increase, can you feel it in your feet - Neon RH EP: I'm waiting for my bail from this ugly jail - Freedom M: Cus I love you I must be a Necrophiliac - Necrophilia E: Isn't it sad so many must die to be heard - Star R:I want my LSD of inspiration - LSD Art
  22. They kind of are, and it is relatively new in to the game. It's profits last year where close to 500 million. Apple also came before pirating became a big thing.
  23. Bump for #Rewindwindawards2014
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