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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. Iggy Azalea. AKA the new female rapper who can get an album out without procrastinating or leaking it.
  2. Finally someone who is not 100% delusional, Beyonce was an OK album and was overrated from the start
  3. The flaw free Lady Gaga is the summer cover for Porter Magazine and features a in depth interview where she discusses her old life, her recent idea to try to channel her old self and more! The pictures are taken by the known V magazine collaborators Inez and Voodah. She also doesn't mention anything pretentious such as artist integrity!
  4. http://vocaroo.com/i/s12e9NehhasF
  5. It was In My Pocket by Jeffree Star
  6. She said rhymes not synonymous
  7. but all of there CDs are marked up and stay that price
  8. Can someone share the full set?
  9. GQ is really gay, it is full of half naked guys and fashion articles.
  10. Stop it these are nice new Easter outtakes, they are so springy
  11. Most of those Cypher could check off.
  12. Samus could have one of the biggest gay fan bases if they released another game in her series TBH.
  13. Langaja left in the most sloppiest of ways last week. I don't know this week because I forgot about it.
  14. She had flawless natural hair, thick,dark and free.
  16. Someone keeps claiming I am mean to all new members when I am a fucking flower to everybody and has yet to provide proof that I am a heartless bitch.
  17. I am fucking lovely thank you very much. I called him out because he was causing fights with anybody who posted on the Lana threads. I did get a little heated and it was stupid TBH.
  18. My high review: Wanted to know what the sound track to a movie about a young boy being dragged in to a distopic alien world where every one dies at the end, well this is that sound track, debuet release for new producer PSYDUCK. Filled with audio portraits of barren alien landscapes, a world where is peace is abundant but because there is not living beings. Bringing elements of Kanye West, Lana Del Rey, Nicki Minaj and Grimes in to silent landscapes tediously leaving a minimal mark is the main sound of this Ep.This is best ambient and minimalistic Trap release yet. This ep has me begging for more, I hope we get a dark ambient trap EP on deserts or more of this masterpiece. Contender for my top 10 and maybe my top 5 I would get on and get this gem while it's free because PSYDUCK will hit the Indie circuit with the powers of the FOREST and Mother Nature combined.
  19. March 23rd!
  20. Happy B'Day! I hope you get a copy of ARTPOP or 6666666 copies
  21. Ruby Tuesday is a rather big chain in the US.
  22. My mom remembers the VMA performance and the release of AP but that is it. She doesn't go online much so she only remembers the BIG things. She remembers mostly the major award show performances. She still talks about the 2011 and 2009 VMAS along with the BTW grammy performance and the meat dress like crazy though.
  23. yes. The door also swayed. They could have just had Nicki and the YM crew bring some cars and pose around them while throwing money and it would have been better.
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