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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. When are we getting Oceans?
  2. Is getting married the new sex tape?
  3. The cheap slut anthem!
  4. You had a baby,got married,disappeared,and came back
  5. I was looking for some good covers for my KP collection and I found the ultimate cover for all her stuff (In spoiler because it makes it more dramatic)
  6. Yay Avril Lavigne is going to win a award after 4 years of nothing!
  7. Lets ost new award ideas here for fun! Thirstiest member (I got this one in the bag #LEAKWJWF ) Leak of the Year (Mo, you can snatch this if you tried see above for farther hint) Megapost of the Year (Mo's Katy post is on the list but the long awaited Neon one could snatch it) Biggest Drama (Cypher, Natalia, Ashley) Most dedicated Stan (Minaj has this one Tbh) Biggest Bitch (Me, Mo, Ashley, Natalia, the other 6 people on here) Nude of the year (Cypher, lets see your submission) Most dedicated member (Mo, Me, Ashley, Cypher) Miss congeniality (Mitch)
  8. Kerli has stolen her looks from Cyberpunk and rave culture so why should complain?
  9. But they are Dev models so they are a little more expensive because it gives Devs more time to develope cool stuff, as of now most mods are in mid beta at most so wait it out if you want one
  10. Dear Lady Gaga I thought you were going to all the cancelled BTWB dates yet where is Tampa? Ft.Lauderdale was too far for me or my family to afford and I was hoping for so I hoped for a add on but NOPE! I would like to know the answer to these questions: Why not Tampa? Why must you lie to us? What was your reasoning for the Ft.Lauderdale show? Love, a disapointed, poor, and saddened Little Monster ~
  11. What the fuck Mo, he said singer not whore
  12. So how has this "rebirth" going now?
  13. I'm pretty sure Mitch has been there (where has he been anyway?)
  14. But lets be real, the media found it and jumped to conclusions. I do believe it is step 8 though
  15. Hold on running to LA
  16. WTF I didn't even know quicksand was released
  17. I didn't even know about the snippet till like a month ago
  18. Can someone tell me all of the Circus bonus tracks?
  19. Does anyone know if the snippet that leaked known as "blizzard" has a full version?
  20. Reminds me of the V magazine cover where she dressed like she did during her gogo dancing days
  21. It's Brazil what do you expect? If Madonna comes or their favourite team loses they start a riot.
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