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Matilda Mantis

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Everything posted by Matilda Mantis

  1. You have to intiate things sometimes
  2. PS: Check out the blog for a interview with me.
  3. Nope. Still Underworks. I'm too ambitious tbh
  4. PS: I have something really cool coming up!
  5. You all should check out the Recording Studio sub forum for some really cool music made by fellow members! There is some crazy talent there as well.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      The Recording Studio just gets better and better tbh. :hail: I'm so impressed by everyone on there, but it makes my own music sound inadequate. :stretcher: 

  6. Some of these new hoes need to fuck off back to what ever rotten Lana Boards thread they came from.
  7. Charlie Sheen admitted AIDS, which covers 3 of them.
  8. Here's the thing, this streaming only plan will bite him back for one reason, after cycle sells, aka the people that buy albums 2to 3 years after release, which helps an artist keep getting music to new ears, something the current industry methods require.
  9. I love the interview, it's very mature and thought provoking.
  10. Maybe both, I mean she is no stranger to drug use, just look at her career.
  11. Hey cN someone with good wriitng help me out, I'm working on my press packet and want a good interview to stick in there with some general interview questions and such, can some one write me up some basic ones please.

  12. Part 2 comes this summer/fall FYI. The Cosmic Experience is a linear telling of the story and Part one is chapter one. It goes live this week.
  13. It's less than a week away now! I'm so excited.
  14. Almost a week till release, I can't wait! Here is a little peak of what's to come
  15. The album is coming in three parts Part One: 3/18 Crumble: 2/26 Video One: 3/23 Medication no longer exists. Exotic is the connection between the three parts, the instrumental comes part one, the main vocals are on part two, and the final product is on part three. It was formally a track for Ashley. The Cosmic Experience is being built up and the content will start being uploaded around the beginning of March. The video is for Crumble and features 13 diffrent scenes and looks. I split it in three parts because the project is a journey and releasing it all at once makes no sense to me, so I split it up. This is the start of the story. Told you all it was coming.
  16. Listen, that failed as I had some personal issues that took up a lot of time, but trust me, the album is 100% coming, same as the video. Expect at least one new song a month until the release, starting later this month.
  17. I got news, the album is on track for a spring release! Also other good news, after a performance at a friends private party, I have been able to film a music video, thanks to a 200$ tip! I haven't figured the video out yet but it's on the drawing board at the moment. The Cosmic Experience is coming along well and also on track for a release with the album. However I got bad news, some of the planned tracks got erased thanks to a drunk mistake but they were interludes that I can easily rerecord. Album art work prototypes have been done and are looking good, expect a preview for quality control soon! Stay Cosmic.
  18. Let's do this! I'm totally down, the last EP was so good. Fat tit fat tit fat it so fat.
  19. 2015 is over so here is my top 10 albums of 2015: 10. Gagged EP- Violet Chachki A release meant to leach off the finale of Rupaul's Drag Race Season Seven (which she won), that is rather good, leaving behind Drag pop and replacing it with grimy Industrial Dance that would make even the Pope get down in dirrrty on the floor. Although weak in some spots it's confidence takes it far. Standout: Bettie 9. 25 - Adele Although rather boring, this album is pure Adele and ventures new territory and maturity.Standout: Send My Love 8. The Pale Emperor - Marilyn Manson More blues than rock, this album is his most reflective yet. Standouts: Killing Strangers 7. Rebel Heart - Madonna Madonna, the eternal Pop girl, has some fun with this playful album. Standout: Bitch I'm Madonna 6. Lovur - L1 A new band, fronted by the Drag queen Starlet Skarlet, released their debuet album and it is so good, imagine Lana Del Rey on heroin in a factory. Standout: #1 Crush 5. Taxidermy - Sharon Needles Although rather chesey in parts, this al um is a good time. Standout: Lucy 4. Miley Cyrus And Her Dead Pets Experimental, young, naive, high. Standout: 1 Sun 3. Deleruim - Ellie Goulding Hook after hook makes this the most catchy listen of 2015. Standout: Codes 2. Vulnicura - Björk Heartbreaking and emotional. Standout: Black Lake 1.Collxtion One - Allie X A awesome collxtion of songs that shake pop to it's core. Also check out the rerelease featuring the catchy song Never Enough. Standout: Bitch
  20. I'm late but whatever, I would love eto be signed to Interscope or one of it's branches due to the reach it has, my first colabs would be with Björk and Zedd, and my first big project would be called 'Monolith', a concept album based on the theory of Evolution and artistic growth and would be me expierementing with different sounds and parts of Music Theory.
  21. My 12 Days of Christmas started on the Cosmic Thread. Enjoy

  22. 12 Days of Christmas: Day One New single Medication: Coming soon
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