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Matilda Mantis

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  1. You have to intiate things sometimes
  2. PS: Check out the blog for a interview with me.
  3. Nope. Still Underworks. I'm too ambitious tbh
  4. PS: I have something really cool coming up!
  5. You all should check out the Recording Studio sub forum for some really cool music made by fellow members! There is some crazy talent there as well.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      The Recording Studio just gets better and better tbh. :hail: I'm so impressed by everyone on there, but it makes my own music sound inadequate. :stretcher: 

  6. Some of these new hoes need to fuck off back to what ever rotten Lana Boards thread they came from.
  7. Charlie Sheen admitted AIDS, which covers 3 of them.
  8. Here's the thing, this streaming only plan will bite him back for one reason, after cycle sells, aka the people that buy albums 2to 3 years after release, which helps an artist keep getting music to new ears, something the current industry methods require.
  9. I love the interview, it's very mature and thought provoking.
  10. Maybe both, I mean she is no stranger to drug use, just look at her career.
  11. Hey cN someone with good wriitng help me out, I'm working on my press packet and want a good interview to stick in there with some general interview questions and such, can some one write me up some basic ones please.

  12. Part 2 comes this summer/fall FYI. The Cosmic Experience is a linear telling of the story and Part one is chapter one. It goes live this week.
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