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Everything posted by lewisbennett1

  1. Did we ever get any wav files of the outtakes?
  2. I'll 100% be supporting this release with streams and purchases. It always throws me off when she changes lyrics though. It happened with SLAY. And now EBY - "My big leopard coat". "I'll be alright.. I know the STARS are on my side" 🫤 Does it make sense? Not feeling it. It just doesn't pack the same punch as the demo, in terms of the lyrics. I feel like the "coz I know time is on my side" line just makes more sense too - I know she changed the SLAY lyrics because she thought that 'gold isn't bright' and didn't make sense. The production feels oversaturated in "pop" too... I kinda liked how her live shows brought that rock edge. (I need the original EBY in WAV) These are only my initial critiques. I'll be listening multiple times and my opinion may change. So happy for her to finally be releasing albums again though. I actually liked her revival of DGMGF - I think it's such a funky opener and the collab just kicked it up a notch. Think I'm gonna knock Worst in Me and Snatched off my version as they feel a bit "off" stylistically. I'd have taken Snatched as a Bonus Track tbh.
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