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Everything posted by blondeboy

  1. im so mad loud music got like zero promo that song was amazing wtf!
  2. i'm from america where you at?
  3. the only option i just found out is to watch it on Amazon Prime Instant Video. i dont wanna pay for that lol
  4. i remember being so mad when i found out nancy calahan wasnt going to be topless in the film adaption atleast they should have had a body double screw jessica alba XD mabye thats why they got gaga so she can take over and give the people a real show (a la niomi in showgirls)
  5. i loved the movie and the book but the soundtrack is everything
  6. I found the marshmellows wish i could see the show on netflix so i could catch up
  7. Even better than the real thing
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dLNlDFQs0A#
  9. in response to the first clip; since when does wheres waldo get a seat at the table!!
  10. ohh i liek this german aspect to the story mabye jessicas a nazi hunter!
  11. i cannot wait!!!! they upped the budget for this year and hopefully when they do the lipsyncs some of them will do tricks and flips and stuff like on their youtube pages!!! i need them to bring it this season
  12. who let Jocelyn Wildenstein out of her cage!!!
  13. Right now kesha is still under contract with dr. luke so if she wants to make any new music it has to be under his label but she has said she wont be so they are at a stand still and the only person who can do anything to help her is Doug Morris. See dr Luke is Kemosabe Records. No board of directors or vice president; just Luke. Kesha was on RCA until Dr Luke got his label up and running as a joint venture with RCA. But, RCA, which is a part of Sony, has no say in anything. Kemosabe is a dictatorship. And also, Luke is her publisher too. So, Doug Morris, the CEO of Sony Music Entertainment, is the only person who has any control what so ever over Dr. Luke. (he's also the reason she didnt go perform timber cuz he would get royalties he doesnt rly deserve)
  14. i was as well its only a day or two old though so who knows more may come
  15. I'm excited for lipsha (hope it gets out) i love the flaming lips so anything in that vain of music im syked for
  16. https://soundcloud.com/orbitstreamcast theyre called the leaf remixs i think theyre from a set he did but he hasnt indicated why hes releasing them now... all from the new album gang bang free falling sinner love spent some girls and theres a new ray of light and drowned world on a seperate site
  17. i love me some barbra but im slightly dissapointed in her choices except gaga and bey though i cant fathom what songs they will do?? i wish the list was updated with more people from our generation like adele or birdy for a start... sugg?
  18. HAHA YASS get that lotus promo aggie XD
  19. so far in my book im on team orbit hes never done me wrong williams.....smhhh enough said in that name alone. (not to mention orbit just released new madonna remixes)
  20. YASSS!!! CASHMONEY RECORDS shoutout ladies get on this
  21. i dont care how close asap is with kathy griffen( i stan for her) i gotta stick with my boo azelia; spread it around like wildfire gurlllll!!!
  22. i dont care how close asap is with kathy griffen( i stan for her) i gotta stick with my boo azelia; spread it around like wildfire gurlllll!!!
  23. yes it is good eye its from her photoshoot with nick knight my fav shoot shes done so far theyre super trippy and pretty
  24. yes it is good eye its from her photoshoot with nick knight my fav shoot shes done so far theyre super trippy and pretty
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