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Everything posted by Dayfid

  1. A new Ke$ha song has leaked. Not sure when it's from. Listen here! Download Link
  2. [img width=448 height=650]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/31/1414735959782_Image_galleryImage_Pacific_Palisades_CA_Lily.JPG "Dr. Luke - gynaecology department"
  3. Happy birthday mah niggas :dayfid2:
  4. Screaming Queen Jessie J is offering an exclusive deal on her website. Buy her album for $7.98 and get a chance to meet her and have a photo op! Source
  5. That's what I was thinking. I don't like Lorde but surely she has higher standards than Willow Smith.
  6. Click picture for a link to the tweet I hope all you Lorde stans love Willow Smith
  7. Lmfao. Have fun waiting all day. That's what happened when I bought the Yard Sale stems. I had to wait until her manager woke up and had to tweet her to finally have the stems emailed to me.
  8. Mo buy the signed vinyl and leak the album on here!
  9. This is actually really sad to read. She was doing so well. :'(
  10. Katy tweeted: "Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing..." Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing... — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) September 9, 2014
  11. Send me the 15 dollars right now and I'll get it for you.
  12. ...Not sure if actually Ashley writing this or someone else writing it for her.
  13. I've overheard your theory "nostalgia's for geeks" I guess sir, if you say so, some of us just like to read One second I'm a Koons, then suddenly the Koons is me Pop culture was in art, now art's in pop culture in me One year ago this song was slowly leaking then quickly rush released onto iTunes. Lord, in HEAVEN WHY YOU JUST COULDNT WAIT THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ONE SATURDAY Wanna grab some shovels and fuck up some hackers? @katyperry excited to hear your ROAR, sorry to hear about your truck! [soundcloud] http://soundcloud.com/bornthisrebel2/lady-gaga-applause-demo[/soundcloud] www.youtube.com/watch?v=pco91kroVgQ While we try and figure out what's going on with PHF, let's discuss this flawless single from an era gone bad.
  14. Happy late Birthday Sean
  15. Basically EA decided to give this away to promote The Sims 4 being released soon. All you do is download their game client then you redeem the code "I-LOVE-THE-SIMS" Unfortunately it doesn't work on Mac but you can setup Bootcamp if you really wanted to play this also this expires July 31st, 2014 at 10AM PDT.
  16. I'd post a picture but I have like 50 animals.
  17. Wasn't sure if I should post this in Jukebox or Albums tbh but anyway this is a remix album of Lady Gaga songs by Drew Stevens. It's very good. I don't really care for remixes too often but majority of them are amazing! (@Firestarter This is the guy who did that G.U.Y. remix you wanted me to mix with the original song) Soundcloud Playlist: [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Full Album Download Seperate Download Links
  18. Oh my god Mo, YAS. This looks so good. I love the background tbh. It's so much better than the bland ass purple background or whatever colour it is. You should photoshop more of this shoot tbh.
  19. Here's the other sets you missed: Purses Black Dresses Shirtless This shoot is a fucking mess.
  20. Apparently she recorded it on her MacBook
  21. Mine's just an alt spelling of David tbh.
  22. Marry The Night (stems) [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Downloads are up on the Soundcloud or from Here Boys, Boys, Boys (Studio Acapella) [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Download Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) [studio Acapella] [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Download Paper Gangsta [soundcloud][/soundcloud]
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