I've overheard your theory "nostalgia's for geeks" I guess sir, if you say so, some of us just like to read One second I'm a Koons, then suddenly the Koons is me Pop culture was in art, now art's in pop culture in me One year ago this song was slowly leaking then quickly rush released onto iTunes. Lord, in HEAVEN WHY YOU JUST COULDNT WAIT THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ONE SATURDAY Wanna grab some shovels and fuck up some hackers? @katyperry excited to hear your ROAR, sorry to hear about your truck! [soundcloud] http://soundcloud.com/bornthisrebel2/lady-gaga-applause-demo[/soundcloud] www.youtube.com/watch?v=pco91kroVgQ While we try and figure out what's going on with PHF, let's discuss this flawless single from an era gone bad.