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Everything posted by Dayfid

  1. Lying cunt. You told me you already seen it. This is why I have trust issues. YOU RUIN ME
  2. He did! @DrakeBell: Hey @justinbieber how much are you paying Lil Za to take the coke wrap for ya? Be a man and take responsibility. Learn to be an ADULT! @DrakeBell: @justinbieber instead of egging speeding around your neighborhood and defacing property like a little sh!t you should practice your guitar!! @DrakeBell: When is someone going to tell this idiot he can't draw.His art is almost as bad as his music. Talentless artless http://t.co/N3xiPFfQNz (I don't have links to the tweets but they should be on his twitter!)
  3. I love the ARTPOP one tbh. The Teenage Dream one is terrible.
  4. Sorry PHF. We were too busy with my birthday to say happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday xo
  5. You're a mess.
  6. You're a mess.
  7. Rude. Reporting you to an admin/mod.
  8. Rude. Reporting you to an admin/mod.
  9. Discuss this flawless game and post your friend codes so I can steal your friend safaris. Friend Codes:
  10. Discuss this flawless game and post your friend codes so I can steal your friend safaris. Friend Codes:
  11. I read teases as releases and freaked out. ;_;
  12. I read teases as releases and freaked out. ;_;
  13. Gayfid had enough of Mo's bullshit and killed himself with a toaster in a tub filled with water, Mo was devastated.
  14. Gayfid had enough of Mo's bullshit and killed himself with a toaster in a tub filled with water, Mo was devastated.
  15. I'd post some if the piece of shit app worked on my phone. )
  16. I'd post some if the piece of shit app worked on my phone. )
  17. /Offtopic: How would you know how big Mona's cunt is? /OnTopic: Cunt Face had a best friend named Casey, they liked to play cunty games with each other. CUNTCUNTCUNTCUNTCUNT
  18. /Offtopic: How would you know how big Mona's cunt is? /OnTopic: Cunt Face had a best friend named Casey, they liked to play cunty games with each other. CUNTCUNTCUNTCUNTCUNT
  19. You guys are still waiting for them to return?
  20. You guys are still waiting for them to return?
  21. Congrats <3
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