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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. Okay, well, I'm at least satisfied. They could've done much more, but it was still a nice resolve. Not bad at all.
  2. The release of that single also brings up another thing: it seems like she's riding on the success wave from Roar, and like, mercilessly lol. She's literally pumping out singles/videos... Oh, and I think Dark Horse is gonna stay for quite a while, 'cause isn't she releasing a video? That will only maintain it's #1 spot, really.
  3. I think the GP is just eating up anything she's got at this point tbh.
  4. Well... Good for her, I suppose. I can't pretend I like her, and I never have, but this is a nice song by her - it has a really unique atmosphere. The verses (or really just the beat in the verses) >>
  5. I genuinely would love to know how many of them are truly signing it for this supposed "issue" and how many are doing it for the "lols"...
  6. 31,000 past the goal... :stretcher:
  7. Do these petitions ever hold any real power, though? Or are they mostly used to influence/sway opinion? I'm not too familiar with how they work but I can't imagine anything will result from this.
  8. It's just under $16. And if you're wondering, the one supposedly with Ghost (which I genuinely am confused about) is around $19 for me. I'll see what happens with that one - it might be my way of finally getting Ghost! We should probably talk about this in collections lmao
  9. All I have is the B-Sides and a potential 2-disc NTMT that probably won't happen but supposedly releases tomorrow. SMH :stretcher:
  10. I'll take that collection off your hands 8) Love In Stereo ad 24 Hours are definitely the most GP friendly.
  11. Why's that, haha? Because it's over? If so, me too. :'( But at least we have another season to look forward to this year!
  12. I agree. Everything about the future of NTMT (singles, B-Sides Pt.2 ) looks bleak imo. :'(
  13. From Lana's Born To Die, Without You might've been a smash seeing as electro ballads do pretty good. And obviously Cola from Paradise considering it WAS lined up to be the second single from Paradise, although I would have much rather seen American. Just everything about that song is single material in my opinion. Kinda a shame nothing more happened with Cola or American. I can't really speak about my other favs since they're all still in their first album cycle right now, though. However, from Sky's album, 24 Hours needs to be a single, and I think Ain't Your Right, I Blame Myself, I Will and/or Love In Stereo all have potential. For Lorde, 400 Lux would be the biggest missed opportunity ever. And lastly, I would like to see The Sea be a single from M
  14. Definitely, they're overdoing the possibilities in my opinion, but I guess that will be resolved this Wednesday... Speaking of which can you guys believe the finale is in two days?!
  15. This was actually a pretty good show... I'm happy with a fair amount of winners. Although, let's be real, Lana was snubbed for Y&B. Why can't Skyfall move on already? It had its fair share of wins. :'(
  16. Huh, I swear I've seen that pose before from a photoshoot, but I could be wrong. It looks really nice!! I'm so excited for this.
  17. Ooh, yea, I saw that! I hope it's her, I love her. Plus, why else develop a useless witch the whole season But at this point it feels like every new power and every clue is just a red herring...
  18. To be honest! :stretcher:
  19. I think it's safe to say this is true! This follows all the producers meeting up and working together which usually happens at the end of production! (Especially for someone like Lana who has a very tight-knit team that she consistently works with.) I am beyond excited for this, literally can't even handle it right now.
  20. This show is THE best. My favourite television show! I watched Asylum, but I wasn't super drawn into it and therefore I didn't take much in/I now don't remember much. But when Coven came on, I was sucked into it, and during the show's "winter break", I went back and (re)watched S1/S2, wherein season one became my favourite season! (With Coven behind.) Who do you guys think the next supreme is?
  21. I'll have to look that up! I love how unique Americano is. I think how successfully experimental BTW is sometimes gets forgotten for some Gaga fans.
  22. Was just gonna say, I think Government Hooker was quite the missed opportunity. :oops: I only really liked GH, Americano, Hair, Scheibe and Bloody Mary from BTW, and I think those were all missed singles (even though Hair was a promo single).
  23. A new snippet for "In Wendy" has leaked: http://tom-delrey.tumblr.com/post/74304664400 These albums are gonna leak sooner or later, if they're randomly leaking snippets. :oops:
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