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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. It looks so good in my iTunes!
  2. Ahhh, it's perfect!!! Thank you so so much! I really appreciate it
  3. (Wait, we can put requests here, right? I think I saw one here but if not, I'm terribly sorry!) I was wondering if someone could please do a 'lil Sky artwork for me! So I know Rancid Girl (obviously) isn't a Pt. 2 of B-Sides or anything, but it feels wrong throwing it in "Unreleased" (just like I couldn't throw BB/AFFA in "Unreleased"), so could someone please edit the B-Sides cover to make it a Part 2? (Especially considering we probably won't get a Pt. 2 anyway. ) All I really would like is for it to say "Part 2" instead of 1, but if anyone could also change the colour (but keep the gradient theme) to maybe a dark blue or something, that would be really cool! So if someone could PLEASE do that for me, here's a HQ cover for Pt. 1 to edit. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61LHDHS5cML._AA1500_.jpg
  4. Reading tha huntys :hail:
  5. Wow, that was great. I'm impressed!
  6. And it's weird because it didn't start off that way, like with the LaLaurie scenes and the Minotaur (who would've made SUCH a great villain), among others, but then they like forgot about it all half way through.
  7. The whole photoshoot is so stunning. She looks beautiful.
  8. Omfg, do it. Best season IMO! Oh and btw, about the Lana similarties with Sarah Paulson, during Season 2, she used to get mad at people who said it to her all the time on twitter.
  9. Hate to be a hater but he's just a flat out mess and imo, a horrible person (from what I know and have seen, ofc)
  10. Ugh, one of the best book/movie combo ever :'( I second this, please do!
  11. Tha queen spilling tha teas! :hail:
  12. Ugh, you're so right. Murder House IS the best. Such a fantastic plot. :'( I'm here for tha rehash as well!
  13. Yep: "How the fuck is your song in a Coke commercial, crazy?" I wonder if she meant it in general, as a stereotype - like, when you get famous, you get a commercial. And then it ended up happening by coincidence. I don't know, I'm just over here reaching lmao
  14. Omfg I didnt even know Lorde directly shaded Selena Her mom shaded her in some NZ interview.
  15. Hmm okay so I checked her out and I really like "Problem" and "Saturday Night"! Is there any other songs in the style of either of those two?
  16. I'll check those ones out, thanks!
  17. I should listen to this girl! A LOT of people love her so I feel like I'm missing out tbh. I'll YT her later!
  18. Spill the teas, sis! And yeah, I agree, Emma Roberts is annoying AF in my opinion, but she added something nice in Season 3. I dunno, like you said, Taissa is just too bland! She never does anything important and usually has awkward acting, but maybe (probably) that's the writers' faults, and if they gave her a proper role, she could most likely do much better! Plus she's young and has room to get better, so I'd be willing to see her again! But again, if she isn't in Season 4, oh well! I don't know, Season 3 had a great cast overall, so I truly wouldn't mind a complete rehash to be honest, except I would love to see the actress who played Grace in Season 2 return! (I don't know her name to be honest). And since Jessica won't be the main character in Season 4, make Sarah Paulson THE main role! I know she always has an important part and was the main in Season 2, but with that said, she did great as a main role and needs to do it again! (And needs to look exactly like and be named after Lana again tbh .)
  19. No, you're definitely right, not even Asylum hit the pinnacle (or even closely) of 'horror', but I think it was the most true to "American Horror Story". So I agree with your wants! Omg, this cast was SO great. I think Kathy Bates & Angela Bassett are confirmed already. I could do without Taissa, but I would love to see Gabourey back again, and even Emma, regardless of the fact that I don't like Emma as a person, since she did good in S3.
  20. Okay she actually handled that pretty nicely! Good for her. Although, not that it really makes it difference since Lorde has dragged like everyone anyway lmao, but didn't her mom make the Selena comment, not Lorde? Again, it's not very important...
  21. You really though so?! I thought the Seven Wonders were executed amazingly this past episode. It was definitely the highlight, in my opinion. The last half was not as amazing as the first, to me, but it definitely did its job and wrapped the show up quite nicely!
  22. Season 3 just ended and I'm already awaiting this season... :'( I'll take any sort of plot, but I just hope the "throwback to Aslyum" (or whatever Ryan Murphy said) really comes to fruition. This show needs to get scary again - it is American Horror Story after all. There was like nothing scary in Season 3.
  23. Same! I pray Lana keeps the same cover scheme with UV. Matching covers makes everything look more consistent (both physically and even on, say, iTunes) and makes the work look way more "connected". Well, hey, if you have some spare time I would appreciate it lots..
  24. Omfg I actually love these! Gonna use them! Do you have matching BTD demo and Paradise rejects covers tho tbh
  25. My one and only queen tbh :hail:
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