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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. Welcome back Natalia!
  2. I'm excited too! I think the last (Wii) one might be one of the best and most known video games of all time, and for good reason. Amazing games!
  3. Happy Birthday Cypher!!
  4. Shiiiiit, that looked misleading. I was pointing out that y'all thought it was a ruby given to her on Tuesday, but in Every Man Gets His Wish she says: "...he found me waitressing at Ruby Tuesdays...", meaning it's a restaurant. My bad!
  5. Sis'... "... he found me waitressing at Ruby Tuesdays..."
  6. I would have to pick Because Of You. I've always wanted to complete the (known) Paradise outtakes.
  7. Sooooo just about everything?
  8. I'm a lil' late buuuut, like others have said, I don't like this cover choice because it screams ARTPOP, not G.U.Y.. It doesn't reflect the song at all, although I think that may just be because I've seen the video and now I relate it to the ARTPOP scene. But it's a nice photo, nonetheless.
  9. I would say it picks up quite nicely!
  10. Season 4: American Horror Story: Freak Show
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. Wowwwwww she looks good
  13. I think she JUST went back to blonde, too?
  14. Yep!
  15. They left on the biggest cliffhanger, they better not do a prequel! I waited forever for this back when the first came out, I'm glad it's happening.
  16. Yeah, the rumours that Bentley and High were for Paradise are so strange. As far as I know, Bentley is an older a capella. I don't know anything about High, though. No one does, which sucks.
  17. Omg. So ANYWAY what are y'all's thoughts on High? Think it's real?
  18. Speaking of live covers, Lana performed Sinatra's "It Was a Very Good Year" during her secret 2011 debut, with a few other live demos (i.e. the live DP demo snippet we have). I really think Cinnamon is the Radio demo or something. And most people don't think High is real, but I really hope it is...
  19. We even have the instrumental for the other BBW and it's fantastic.
  20. Just btw, Smoke & Mirrors, along with a song apparently named "Beautiful Machine" both come from old tweets, not fake UV track-lists (although they have probably been posted on some of them, I'm sure). Most people assumed they were songs (because they rhymed, lbr) but I'm sure they're just some poetry of hers (and Beautiful Machine is great; "Sometimes I wish I was a beautiful machine, so I could resist your kiss and not cry when you're mean"). You could consider adding the alt version or demo of Big Bad Wolf, Hundred Dollar Bill V3, and Trash Magic V2 (the latter two produced by David, confirmed by him). And speaking of "Smartie" and "Mermaid Hotel", "Gas Station" was registered as well. You think OTTR demo is out there?! Oh my gosh!
  21. Literally a DAY for Kanye? Phew, they sure got him. (I'm not saying he deserved more, in fact, they should have just skipped the jail part if all he gets is a day anyway lol)
  22. But Paradise was not only an EP but was recorded in one session. I think it'll be different with a full LP *looks at BTD lol* Maybe Ben Mawson will post some more demos.
  23. I think Roses will be the next to leak, too. But not for a few months, anyway. Except if Ultraviolence demos get out there, which now that I think about it, will probably be next, since it's so common for albums to trickle with demos after release.
  24. I didn't think it would work live, but it does. She did great!
  25. Terrible. It scares me that stuff like this goes on around the world.
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