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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. Record stores are so scarce around here and the ones that exist minimally participate in Record Store Day, with them only really taking stock for the big name classics and stuff. Want the deluxe BWET. :'(
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy happy birthday! Party hard.
  4. Holy, she looks really good.
  5. But I think Sky likes Courtney?! She has mentioned her in interviews before. Just dunno if it's mutual!
  6. I genuinely didn't know how to interprete her response. Was it shade?
  7. It's not my intent to come off as catty but shit like the original post appears more contrived than what it claims the artist in question to be. It was literally a post critizising Tumblr users. Now go watch her new Pendulum video, it's out today.
  8. Yes because when you don't like a singer, that clearly eliminates the need for them in the industry and instantly strips the credibility of their art and their fans! If that isn't logic then shoot me now. I'd appreciate an elaboration on the purpose of this post as you said you were here to tell me she isn't great, and proceeded only to describe what you think her fans are or act like. Is there a part two coming? Oh, and I don't have tumblr, so I hope you have other means to drag me for as an FKA twigs fan.
  9. Happy happy birthday!
  10. I can't pretend to hate Rita Ora as much as like, the whole world. I just don't see her as unbearable as seemingly everyone. I'll happily download the remix and watch the video, whilst listening to the original. No harm done with a Rita collab as much as the fan base will make it out to be!
  11. Sorry, but, While the petty shade is unnecessary (as much as I love Azealia and as much as I secretly love her shade), I at least feel that this is a topic worth bringing up. She absolutely has a point.
  12. My thoughts exactly. It's not like I'll get to see her - I'll just sit here in Western Canada all envious like every tour any singer does - but she NEEDS to switch up her setlist. Gosh, I would be here for her scrapping every Born To Die and Paradise song excluding like, Video Games, Ride and Born To Die, to be honest. That's how much she's done all the songs to death. She should do all Ultraviolence songs, some Young & Beautiful, start doing Once Upon A Dream, Big Eyes and I Can Fly, and some new covers... I can dream.
  13. She just really liked the song I guess. :oops: I think it was worth a release regardless.
  14. But it was made probably a year if not two years ago. Because it was wrote for and pitched to Rihanna, it was kinda a leftover Grimes had. Presumably, she created an album that perhaps would have sounded like Go and then she scrapped what she had. That's my understanding.
  15. Y'all need to chill... She said on twitter that this happened over 7 months ago.
  16. Have a great one Mo! <3
  17. This is soooo beautiful and such good work! Although I loved the aesthetic of the bruises on her knees for some weird reason.
  18. No, sis. I'm here with you. We'll get through this together. I'm with Natalia... Little 12 year old Lorde (when she got signed) most def did not "fuck her way up the top".
  19. Sorry for being late! Happy belated birthday
  20. Yea, this has gotta be the best one so far Shiiiiit it's good :'(
  21. It's amazing. So apparently it's Mariah Carey? #anticlimatic
  22. I can't partake because I don't have photoshop, but congratulations trayer!!
  23. Ta ta y'all, you guys are sleeping on Night Time, My Time, THE best album of 2013.
  24. Is "Red Sheets" real? Tell me the secrets!
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