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Everything posted by Paradise

  1. You guys are so incredibly extra lmao... Can't relate
  2. Melanie Stans ™
  3. Someone post the songs, fat!
  4. What kind of weird, passive-aggressive mess is this?! We're only talking about a song fam...
  5. I guess it's true that she said "What's The Hard Way?", but either way, I'd think it's a little too convenient that we know every title on this track list.
  6. Didn't she say 'Medusa' is fake? Almost convincing.
  7. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one!

    1. Cypher


      Thank you! :) 

  8. Even though I think the product we got is probably much, much better than what would've been released (considering that travesty, "Spark The Fire" ) , it still would've been interesting to have gotten the original third album. Ideally, TIWTTFL would've just been the follow up!
  9. Don't know if this is in reference to me referring to Foxes as Loui But personally, I only do so if the stage name is a thing as opposed to, I guess, an actual name... Just seems weird calling her "Foxes".
  10. I like these!
  11. Can I suggest the idea of changing the rank names to fit with the new URL/theme? I don't know exactly what they should be changed to, but they could be along the lines of "Flop", "Smash", "Hit", and so on. I don't know. I just think using "Bi-Curious", etc., is a little out of place now? Maybe?
  12. Happy Birthday! I hope you have/had a great day.
  13. I'm clueless as to how I'd rank all the seasons together, but I do know Murder House would be first. Bravo on your flawless first pick!
  14. I'm pretty sure they're set for at least the first season, but I'm not sure where they'd go for a season two? I guess if the main character survives she could head off to a new sorority and a new set of killings or something, but it seems like it would work best as a one season show to me tbh. This series is another anthology series I believe, like AHS! No relation among the seasons.
  15. I liked Pop/Hits/Flops.
  16. Also for a name change, as I agree with the off-putting nature of it. It's a shame in the sense that many people probably don't look past the name to even join and realize it's satirical, and therefore, it could be weighing down on the forum's potential to grow. As for an actual suggestion on the name, I definitely think the idea of pop-culture should continue to be incorporated in the name, but I'll leave actual ideas up to the others.
  17. Honestly, I'm most excited to see how the lizard-like muttations are portrayed. They are probably what I remember the most about a rather lackluster final book.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope my sistren had an awesome birthday!
  20. Happy Birthday to such an integral member on this forum! Hope it was a great day.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. That just might be the impression you got if you entirely missed the point of anything I said.
  23. Happy birthday! Hope it was a good one.
  24. Does everyone have Flowers, honestly?
  25. Carcass, I can't believe you're going to have a RSD exclusive!
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