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Everything posted by addictedsober

  1. I also got it if you are interested. Hmu
  2. Great! Not a fan of that particulae photo I love this set and I think would've been a great single (or album) cover
  3. I still need that one in full... sounds amazing
  4. He's actually a very trustworthy source of information as regards Leona I know I teased him in the past about her being a flop but we've discussed her career many times and in the end, we both want her to release quality music (again) and to find some form of success He's actually a really nice guy and he has a direct source to his fav artist... so he does have all those demos he says (and thanx to that we were able to confirm many rumors and songs she recorded over the years)
  5. https://www.discogs.com/Dev-The-Night-The-Sun-Came-Up/release/4557456 Here's a Canada edition that includes the track and there are 2 for sale
  6. I bet her castmates wonder the same about hilary
  7. they better fucking release it soon!
  8. thanx!!! will check it out! nah, im not that much of a quality freak
  9. all these hilary leaks made me want to listen to the BIBO album and it seems I deleted it (oops) could anyone upload the version that includes the bonus tracks and chasing the sun and all about you? please
  10. yasss, i saw it the other day and LOVED it It transported me right back to when she came out and I would search the web for her pics! and when I played her enhanched cd on my computer ugh what a time!
  11. I still need the video this would be a good time for TMZ to leak the shit out that video
  12. I'm so mad Lolita didnt do as they hoped for... it's such a great track
  13. what's up with them? why aren't they releasing the album?
  14. Outta My Head pt.2 i'm ready!
  15. I accepted the fact that she's the queen of not singing her choruses... and that's ok the funny thing is, for example, when you look at the only time she sang If You Had My Love back when it was released, its so strange to hear her sing the chorus! it's a mess, but she tried though
  16. Great article! I think she also said she wanted to work with only 1 or 2 producers this time around (speaking of TOD) I've been obessed with this scrapped album ever since she premiered Mona Lisa... and although we know most of the tracks leaked (thought to be recorded for this album) were in fact recorded for ITZ (she experimented A LOT during those sessions), I kinda feel the vibe of it and I would feel a sense of completion if 2 or 3 more tracks leaked from those collaborations with B&A I understand the business decition from the label not to release this project coz it was so left-field from her, but its sad that she wanted to write and express herself and wasnt able to
  17. I think they look great! loved the little skit, thought it was very fitting to their brand and faithful to their personalities hope to see more group photos and I really hope they film it this time (and have victoria join them onstage for a special performance or something)
  18. it seems like someone got hold of a few unreleased songs and created a "cd" with them the cd doesnt look legit, but im sure the songs are
  19. you could just google that and find out how simple it is https://9soundclouddownloader.com/
  20. she looks beautiful in that cover the song is pretty rubbish and generic but oh well, at least she's putting her name out there again!
  21. oh bummer how much are they charging per song?
  22. where are they working now? their page is still down?
  23. lol or snatch another avicii instrumental and have someone write her a good song to it i LOVE Collide btw
  24. I have an unreleased fergie song, send me your list through dms
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