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Everything posted by KillNanaXO

  1. :excited: :excited:holy fuck, YES !! I got the silver wings, and the black version of those glasses ! hahah WE MATCH like duo penotti !! hahahahahah those jackets are epic btw !!!! really LOVE the strain jacket, but I wouldn't know what to wear it with tbh XD hahah i got too many shoes; those pink teddy's, the gorillas, silver wings, jeans wings, black wings 2.0, white wings 2.0, license plates NYC baby, and the ballerina wings in white & black XD TO DIE FOR !! as for clothes I got a black ringleader jacket these and this flawless jacket Keri wore: [img width=568 height=378]http://www.thequestforit.com/.a/6a00d83451b1d169e2014e8c052aa5970d-800wi ooh ooh and I got those earrings; [img width=400 height=484] ooh ooh and I REALLY WANT THESE !! [img width=650 height=433] I fucking love them!! will go flawlessly with my Rihanna dress ^_^ btw, LOVE that u won those glasses!! I never won anything either until I got those Melody Ehsani earrings!! it was fucking awesome, I felt so special!! hahaha
  2. dude, it looks fucking awesome!! online it kinda looks fake and amatuerish, but the actual cover&booklet are epic ! I LOVE IT hahah
  3. I FUCKING LOVE YOU!! how the fuck did u win his sunglasses?? which ones?? ^_^ I got the black wings... and which shoes & jackets??? I'm so addicted to his stuff, he nearly made me broke XD i pre-ordered the zebras!! so cannot wait for november!! wish i was rich XD
  4. hahah thanks :oops: i loved my blonde curl, so im actually gonna get that again haha I made up my mind and YESSS I love those melody ehsani designs! i once won a gun ring in purple in a twitter contest. you simply had to repost and promote her. i was fucking thrilled!! also got the POW earrings and ring in pink ^_^ they are amazing !! I don't know if u know Jeremy Scott? He makes those sneakers with wings....I'm addicted to his stuff and he made AK earrings with Melody Ehsani.... so divine !!
  5. I actually really love this ! It's a collection of all things related to her past and it actually looks better in real life (physical CD)
  6. I searched for some photo to show u >_< they are SO OLD! Don't look at ma face haha that was 4years ago I think This was the curl. I can't find any better pictures of it, where I pull a normal face XD Very easy to do yourself haha, just put ya curling iron on it I also had the hair from Superhuman, though my (ex)hairdresser cut my hair WAYYYY too short. It took me 4 years to grow it out :S [img width=576 height=1024] I cut my hair recently, after a long long debate, trying to redo the curl. Thinking about making it blonde again ^_^ [img width=604 height=453] This is the "ON" ring ^_^, using it at FUCK NO haha [img width=650 height=519] and the OFF ring [img width=650 height=519] check out http://karmaloop.com and http://melodyehsani.com (designer) SORRY for the many photos
  7. MISS KERI BABY!!!! Yes, fucking LOVE her! She's still one of my biggest style icons ! - I had her curl (the blond curl from Energy), bringing it back as we speak haha rocking her on/off rings as well love love love love her !! She's been working on an album for such a long time now!! I wish she'll release something soon, before her light is gone....
  8. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE the first photo! She looks like Keri Hilson with that hair and the face She's gorgeous! and I fucking love her hair color(s)
  9. That cover is divine!
  10. aaaahhhhhh WTF IS WRONG WITH HER FACE?? i really like this cover though, but dafuq ? she looks so surreal
  11. Hi!! I've been designing for over 10 years now, and I'm currently in school for this kinda thing. So to be blunt, it looks like she's sitting on ... well, nothing. Maybe if you made it look like she's sitting in an egg-chair, it would make more sense, and then you can have it any color u want. As for the text, it looks good! Nice fonts. Maybe for the out of the box text u could use a black shadow i.s.o. a colored one? I really like your vision though!!
  12. Awesome!! something different and I love the font and colors u used here! That picture of her scares me though! - when I took a quick look at the up side down photo it looked like her eyes were open and just big and black (does that make sense? ) XD
  13. Hi! I'm new to the forum but I saw your cover and wanted to say I really love it! It looks very good Though, maybe you should have used a different font? Maybe a simple black font in the likes of times? I don't mean to bash you or anything
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