:excited: :excited:holy fuck, YES !! I got the silver wings, and the black version of those glasses ! hahah WE MATCH like duo penotti !! hahahahahah those jackets are epic btw !!!! really LOVE the strain jacket, but I wouldn't know what to wear it with tbh XD hahah i got too many shoes; those pink teddy's, the gorillas, silver wings, jeans wings, black wings 2.0, white wings 2.0, license plates NYC baby, and the ballerina wings in white & black XD TO DIE FOR !! as for clothes I got a black ringleader jacket these and this flawless jacket Keri wore: [img width=568 height=378]http://www.thequestforit.com/.a/6a00d83451b1d169e2014e8c052aa5970d-800wi ooh ooh and I got those earrings; [img width=400 height=484]
ooh ooh and I REALLY WANT THESE !! [img width=650 height=433]
I fucking love them!! will go flawlessly with my Rihanna dress ^_^ btw, LOVE that u won those glasses!! I never won anything either until I got those Melody Ehsani earrings!! it was fucking awesome, I felt so special!! hahaha