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nuclear last won the day on July 29 2024

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  1. this version is awful i'm sorry but this has a shit ton of vocal glitches and sounds extremely cheap, why couldn't she just release the mario marchetti produced version
  2. what is she even doing anymore cause first she dropped all day everyday from dirty blonde, then bad apple which was a new song then stinger then a toy boy song and now another toy boy song ??? still need her to drop side fx & cinematic goodbye
  3. so i guess we're never getting through the night
  4. if you listen closely the bridge on that version that leaked in 2012 isn't kerli either - no idea who it actually is though
  5. is that eden xo and lola blanc... how iconic
  6. American Girl EP with remixes out on 4th
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/C87c4KXPfqf/?e=dd6b4915-5602-4ea3-961c-dc804f91a598&g=5 what have we done to get punished like that
  8. well max did not produce that song.. both demos are jocko & oligee. i think bonnie asked him to rewrite some parts at one point but we don't have that version
  9. I would use a 6 letter word that starts with F but i already got banned for it in the past
  10. Don't Get Mad, Get Famous is still awful and the new verse from Sophie sounds completely out of place and like it was taken off a different song, the bridge is alright Show You Mine is soooo Oliver I love it so much I Wanna Call You is not that bad.. but the lack of a intro and the empty first verse are a mess. The rest is fine and I like the new chorus Forever 21 sounds kinda muffled but i don't mind it tbh Slay is cringe, I can't stand it anymore Electric Heaven is perfect, always was one of my favs Worst In Me is so different I'm shocked but I love it. It sounds like an Oliver song now too Snatched is fucking awful Rewind Your Heart is so good, the additions to the production are insane Everything But You is a mess now
  11. Sleepwalker is the 2013 mix and American Girl has been remastered
  12. snatched is the reason why homophobia should be justified
  13. everything but you is fucked and sounds like a karaoke cover
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