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Everything posted by rockmestable

  1. Sometimes I think my hatred for Robin Thicke is kind of irrational, but then he opens his mouth. Did you read the interview where he called Blurred Lines a "feminist anthem"? Because promoting rape and violent sexual objectification = equal rights for women, totally
  2. That hair was an architectural marvel not of this world. how in the everloving [img width=189 height=320] fuck [img width=224 height=320] does this work
  3. Yeah, some of them have just been tacky. I think I saw the Lolla mumu in Urban Outfitters tbh. Plus the ratchet blue/green/gold metallic eyeshadow. She's said in interviews that it's all her stylist, and that she doesn't really care about/know how to dress. Let's go shake Johnny Blue Eyes until he styles her vintage and cute again, instead of Hollywood emocore hipster. Idk it just kind of pains me to see how poorly her stylists have been dressing her, seeing as she's like the most beautiful woman on earth. But maybe I'm just biased, since most of my "look" comes from her hip-hop vintage Americana days.
  4. Honey badger don't give a fuck about NY anymore I guess Remember the two finger ring? She wore that like every performance/photoshoot and them it was just gone. Same with the huge hoop earrings and recently the greenstone ring. At least she's branching out from her "little white dress" routine during shows ETA: THE FERRARI JACKET THOUGH
  5. I think the Hollywood Hat is the only garment that Lana actually owns. Except maybe the infamous camel coat and cutoff shorts. Does anyone know where it's from bc I might have to buy it?
  6. You can't deny his butt looked good in them little shorts though.
  7. Exsanguination is the process of losing blood and energy until you die...and yeah if i was his wife I think I'd exsanguinate him by amputating his dick (which I doubt is big) (◡‿◡✿)
  8. Poolside was really rad like watching a car crash ngl at least the boys were qt (◕‿◕✿)
  9. Probably the maiden names of their mother/grandmothers. That's how I got Prybe for my second middle name at least
  10. better than Lana in Poolside :shade:
  11. waking up to this outside the door like http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcke6ywLfU1rur1bgo1_500.jpg
  12. I hate kids but the fabulous goddess Kate is so perf so hopefully it'll be cute. #renamehimstardust
  13. damn I was hoping to see robin thicke, exsanguinated from trying too hard thank u for the jesus though
  14. Runaway Bride was pretty good. Idk she's pretty swell for breaking stereotypes (eg the mousy Asian girl). I love her Rosy the Riveter look in the op picture!
  15. watch them put Katy Perry in the next one or something though
  16. Phhh "Party Up" was far superior. Plus I had to make room for "Sk8er Boi" and "Beautiful Soul" in my "2000s Teen Pop Songs I Can't Let Go Of" collection too
  17. Seriously like people accuse Lana and Gaga of being made famous by their parents, but that dickwad has been riding his dad's coattails for thirty years. Bitch tryna replace Justin Timberlake, but I think he's failing tbh. He looked like Simon Cowell at the VMAs too And of course this: http:// cdn.idolator. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/20/robin-thicke-long-hair-600x450.jpg
  18. I bought it tbh #suememarina
  19. They have a knock-off at Forever 21: http://instagram.com/p/ddEvgupPhM/
  20. I feel like Lana would be so good in Sin City as well sorry not sorry.
  21. Gaga's would've been ok if I hadn't seen the Madison Square show, it just really raised my expectations. But the era's only beginning, so hope and all. But why did Robin Dicke have to be everywhere though. #douchenozzleofthesummer
  22. ngl I would wear Lana's dress to prom or something. I would wear Florence's as pajamas maybe. Love her, but...
  23. He wears a freaking fishbowl with Mickey Mouse ears on his head why is he criticizing anyone
  24. tbh it's kind of sad when you hear more about an artist's twitter feuds than their new music. I haven't heard anything good from her since 212 and the rap on a Blue Jeans remix.
  25. If you didn't love So Yesterday when you were like 6 you never had a childhood. I may or may not still have it on my iPod /shiftyeyes
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