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Mtrain tradesongs

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  1. poor people have to stop begging and always wanting more from rich people Rich people are rich because they (or their descendants) worked hard to get what they have. I can't with these kind of poor guys who beg night and day eating chips on their sofa in front their tv. You want Criminals ? Work bitch ...
  2. Hi guys 😇 🥰

    1. cmiley


      You for real did not just delete my reply to your status 💀

    2. Mtrain tradesongs
  3. Loser

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cmiley


      No you’re a loser for dickriding.

    3. Mtrain tradesongs

      Mtrain tradesongs

      i'm just saying the truth

    4. cmiley


      Nah, I’m saying the truth. You’re lying for attention.

  4. He spent a lot of money on it, why should he leak it ? He can sell it but not leaking it. @Red Flare is not the wallet of the forum, he worked hard to get all of these rarities.
  5. I guess you don't want to share a snippet with other fans ? May i ask how does it sound ? and is it good ?
  6. The Willow project is a 30 year long project that takes place in the Arctic, aka Alaska. Joe Biden will be dumping 287 million metric tons of toxic chemicals into the arctic, this will force animals and indigenous tribes to have to relocate. By the end of 2023 many humans, animals, and plants will be dead by then. Sign here
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