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--Out of Business--

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Everything posted by --Out of Business--

  1. When you ruin your chances with a guy because you made fun of Beyonce's Grammys performance ?

    1. Tweener


      then you know he wasn't worth it ;) 

  2. Can someone explain the Lanaboards/Young and in love drama?

    1. Speedy


      No one has the song in full HQ  Excpt Eclipse and few People are claming to have Lq snipts ..And lan's mannagers and Fbi are doing the best to avoid the leak

    2. ThatPoppy
  3. Can we please ban stupid bitches who spam GIFs in threads? It's so goddamn annoying. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      @Tweener @Countess When I hear "no ban policy" I think, "challenge accepted". Just a warning :)

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Bryan Bring your worst, I guarantee you it's already been done before! ;) 

    4. --Out of Business--
  4. Is anyone getting the Evanescence vinyl boxset? I'm dying to hear the new Even In Death but can't afford it...

  5. For anyone else who wants to cry like me :) 


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I've heard a couple of her songs before but never this one, it's absolutely stunning! :hail: I can see why people love her music so much!

  6. American twink seeking refuge for the next four years. Does not cause trouble, can clean and can cook anything with instructions on the box. Cute Brits to the front of the line. Canadians and Aussies also welcome. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I'm willing to trade you one Australian citizenship for one American green card. PM me for more details and to arrange. :magic: 

    3. asexualguy


      why not middle east? are you islamophobic?

    4. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      @Tweener That works too.

      @Countess Will PM :D

      @asexualguy Well can I marry a man in the Middle East without being thrown off a building? 

  7. Happy "Renounce Your Patriotism" day today in the USA! :D 

  8. This girl's voice is everything.


    1. Speedy


      i was not ready for the end :yaskween:

  9. Brooklyn Baby needs work on the chords But sounds great so far! If you need piano I could help, I play.
  10. My name is Bryan and the ending to Titanic still makes me sob like a fool :)

    1. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      Same, just with Kill Bill

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Same, just with Up. :'( 

    3. Tweener


      Same, just with Hannah Montana: The Movie and The Lizzie McGuire Movie :'(

  11. What albums released in 2016 would you say you had high expectations for, but when the album came out those hopes were ground up, thrown into a wood chipper, and burned to ashes? For me, two stand out: Lady Gaga - Joanne Skylar Grey - Natural Causes
  12. "Ignored Users" is broken. I can't ignore/unignore any users, I'm told the page does not exist.


    Edit: Never mind, just the shortcut for it under my profile dropdown is broken.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      Okay I switched themes. Thanks, @Countess!

      And if you insist, trayer... @trayertrash:vacuum: 

    3. trayertrash


      @Bryan Why haven't they banned her yet? :vacuum: 

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Bryan Let me know if that works okay! <3 I honestly need to get rid of the old theme, so much stuff in it is broken... :stretcher: 

  13. Could some dear from the UK/AUS help me purchase a song on iTunes form an obscure artist? It's not available in the US and I've searched the ends of the earth for a torrent but haven't found one. PM if you can help. Thank you so much <3

    1. trayertrash


      what is it? i might be able to get a friend to do it :) 

    2. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      "Antebellum (Acoustic Version)" by Vienna Teng. I'd really appreciate it!

  14. I watched like half of this movie and never finished it. It's good though! Someone (I think @Countess) told me I look like one of the characters.
  15. Just gonna leave this here.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      How did she snatch my wig for herself without me even realising? :'( 

  16. River though.
  17. Worst part is I participated in this thread and forgot about my own.
  18. Watch the video with it.
  19. Jesus why was he brought on ANOTHER version of Big Brother? Celebrity my ass. He's just using his sister's fame.
  20. So wait, are you a sexual guy or asexual guy?

    1. asexualguy


      asexual guy, i'm an ace lol.

    2. trayertrash


      I've wondered this for months but didn't want to come off as rude :stretcher: 

    3. asexualguy


      i know my username can get twisted so easily lol.

      but ask me anything, i'm not easily offended.

  21. Guys seriously though, should I buy Sia tickets?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      ^ This tbh. :stretcher: It's not like she has a huge amount of stage presence or anything, so buy them if they're cheap or otherwise just watch her Coachella performance on YouTube. :shocked: 

    3. low kii savage

      low kii savage

      if u like to watch ppl doing strange dances n watch her back for 2 hours then yes, if no, than only if tickets r cheap

    4. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      Thanks, I decided against it. 

  22. Rihanna just released an album and we're already waiting for the next one Anti Part II is gonna end up like Artpop Act II.
  23. Dafuq is Manic Panic?
  24. I'm surprised Closer is still on the album, I was expecting it to be demoted to b-side status. Not that I'm not happy about it. I just want that studio version of American.
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