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--Out of Business--

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--Out of Business-- last won the day on June 17 2015

--Out of Business-- had the most liked content!


About --Out of Business--

  • Birthday 09/12/1996

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--Out of Business--'s Achievements

One Hit Wonder

One Hit Wonder (4/7)



  1. As many of you may know, song leakage is a serious issue that affects many of us, both traders and not. In fact, a recent event has affected many of us. However, many of us are afraid to talk about it. I am here to tell you, there is no reason to be silent. There are many of us victims, and we need to share our experiences in order to let other music lovers know they are not alone. That's why I am creating this hashtag: #BitchMeTooTheFuck This hashtag will be used to show solidarity with others who have had their music leak, and it will open up a dialogue about this very serious issue. Together, we will get through this.
  2. State of our music industry: four women who have written empowering music about overcoming issues such as sexual assault lost to a man singing generic lyrics about loving a woman for her body. #GrammysSoMale

    1. Plastic Heart

      Plastic Heart

      Honestly, I'm not surprised. He didn't even show up to the Grammys either.

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Write an article about this for us to post please. :phone: 

    3. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      @Countess I love you but I have papers to write for college. :P 

  3. Make them think you're planning the most evil, diabolical revenge against them. Then do nothing. Like Megan from Drake & Josh.
  4. Did this quickly out of boredom a few days ago. Not perfect but okay for a first try I guess. http://picosong.com/wwGHC
  5. This thread makes me want a stiff drink.
  6. Happy birthday Mama Mo <3

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      If I'm the mummy then you must be the daddy. ;) Thanks for the love, papi! <3

  7. I've grown up in an environment where I'm taught mental illness doesn't truly exist, therapy is useless, and anything you have trouble with can be solved by prayer. It's kinda fucked me up all my life, still does. I can't talk to anyone in my family about how I feel or what my opinions are on anything. They believe all I need to do is read the Bible and pray. They just don't get it. I don't truly know what's wrong with me because I don't know what what is supposed to feel like. Being gay has also fucked me up because my family will never accept me for who I truly am and yet they're the most important thing in my life and I'd bend over backwards to make them happy. It's a struggle unlike anything else. I've trained myself not to cry when I want to because then I have to explain every little detail about my feelings and then I'm promptly told why those feelings are invalid. I've dealt with suicidal thoughts a lot, but I've become...comfortable with them. I guess that's the word. I still think of it all the time, moreso recently even, but it doesn't bother me as much as it did once because I know I'm too much of a puss to actually go through with it. I don't know what the answer is. I'm not in any position to move out currently. I'm just trying to keep myself happy and sane, at least as close as possible.
  8. There's one left at my Target right now. Should I do it?
  9. Gaga: Princess Die, I Wanna Be With U Skylar Grey: American ANOHNI: Indian Girls Evanescence: Your Love
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