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About Julianjauregui10

  • Birthday January 5

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538 profile views

Julianjauregui10's Achievements

Underground Artist

Underground Artist (3/7)



  1. Are there any Lauren Jauregui songs circulating? And if there is to be a song in circulation, what would it be? Does anyone know something?
  2. Does anyone know what songs by Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui or the rest of the girls are in circulation?
  3. What happened to Camila's ain't easy & GIAW? Was it real that Lauren Jauregui's Toy was also circulating? or was it a lie?
  4. Why do they say that Lauren's Toy is in circulation? It's true? hopefully leak a snippet✨??
  5. Why do they say that Lauren's Toy is in circulation? It's true? hopefully leak a snippet?
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