Yasss, I love this idea! I'm gonna go through Joanne because it's the messiest era I can think of.
Perfect Illusion: Released on January 21st, after Donald Trump was elected to capitalise on the dread the world was feeling at that time. Actually promoed through TV performances. The music video is also more elaborate. The album is released a week later on the 28th.
Million Reasons: Released on February 4th, the night before her Super Bowl performance where she also announces a tour. A much better music video, but not too much promo.
John Wayne: Released on 1st May. Same music video, and actually released to radio.
Joanne: Released on September 1st, with the music video involving some original scenes and some from Gaga: Five Foot Two. Performed at the American Music Awards on November 19th.
The Cure: Released on January 14th, with an actual music video filmed... Performed at the Grammy Awards on January 28, 2018.