Omfg, you're such a cutie! Thank you for taking such good care of them even when their own owners who should have been looking after them failed. Hopefully you'll be able to get them all desexed so you don't have any more kitten surprises!
I only just saw your tips, but they were all great! He's pretty great with toilet training now, although it helps we've just started leaving the door open all night so he can come in and out as he pleases. It was definitely a trial when we first got him though, especially when it was colder outside. The only rule I didn't follow entirely is #4, he loves toast sooo much that I sometimes cave in and give him some crust, but that shouldn't kill him I don't think.
YOUR DOG IS SO CUTE! And Wafer is the most adorable name ever! I wanna give her a cuddle so bad!